
Showing posts from March, 2019

Find 2 original empirical scholarly journal articles that examine the effectiveness of at least 2 different approaches to treating the principal disorder in your case study

Find 2 original empirical scholarly journal articles that examine the effectiveness of at least 2 different approaches to treating the principal disorder in your case study PSY240H5SSPRING 2019: ASSIGNMENT 2 PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE DOCUMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE STARTING YOUR ASSIGNMENT! IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS EMAIL THE COURSE INSTRUCTOR ASAP! PURPOSE: To critically evaluatethe currently available approaches to treating psychological disorders and recommend a treatment. DUE: March 28thby 11:59pm on Canvas (emailed submissions or hardcopies will not be accepted unless the instructor has granted permission) • The instructor is able to grant an extension UP TO 5pm on April 5th. In order to request an extension, email the instructor and attach supporting documentation (e.g. medical certificates, accident reports, etc.). • The instructor CANNOT accept term work submitted AFTER 5pm on April 5th. To submit term work AFTER 5pm on April 5thyou must request permission from the Psychology Dep

This week’s discussion asks you to think and write about government propaganda posters directed at women during World War II. After reading the background material and viewing the posters on Globalyceum

This week’s discussion asks you to think and write about government propaganda posters directed at women during World War II. After reading the background material and viewing the posters on Globalyceum You will have to login to the following website to see pictures and to finish the required work login website : username : ** pass: ** Week 9 Discussion Assignment: WWII Propaganda Directed at Women This week’s discussion asks you to think and write about government propaganda posters directed at women during World War II. After reading the background material and viewing the posters on Globalyceum, answer the following questions: What are the roles women were expected to play during the war, according to these posters? There is no need to provide a description of each poster in your answer, since all of the other students will have viewed them as well. Instead, use details from the posters as evidence to support your answer to the discussion questions. P

LPR Corp. sells two products – X1 and X2 – which are produced using both labor (L) and capital (K). Each unit of X1 consumes 30 labor hours whereas each unit of X2 consumes 20 labor hours

LPR Corp. sells two products – X1 and X2 – which are produced using both labor (L) and capital (K). Each unit of X1 consumes 30 labor hours whereas each unit of X2 consumes 20 labor hours Please submit the excel file we worked on in class. 1. LPR Corp. sells two products – X1 and X2 – which are produced using both labor (L) and capital (K). Each unit of X1 consumes 30 labor hours whereas each unit of X2 consumes 20 labor hours. Similarly, each unit of X1 requires 5 capital hours whereas each unit of X2 requires 10 capital hours. The total available labor and capital hours is 2700 and 850 respectively. Each unit of X1 yields a per unit profit of $20 while X2 yields a per unit profit of $60. In addition, LPR has a production/materials constraint that requires it to produce a combined total of at least 95 units of the two products. 2. Winston Company sells two computer models – Basic and Ultra. The company sell Basic for $300 and Ultra for $450. The cost of components for Basic is $150

Consider the andragogical perspective in this discussion (as opposed to a child-focussed, pedagogical approach) and the emphasis on learning that makes employees and their organisations more effective

Consider the andragogical perspective in this discussion (as opposed to a child-focussed, pedagogical approach) and the emphasis on learning that makes employees and their organisations more effective To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise: • Consider the specific examples of theories and definitions of learning. • Consider the andragogical perspective in this discussion (as opposed to a child-focussed, pedagogical approach) and the emphasis on learning that makes employees and their organisations more effective. To complete this Key Concept Exercise: In an approximately 500-word response, address the following issues/questions: • Analyse at least two learning theories. • Use specific examples of theories and definitions of learning and how they can be applied in an organisational context. • In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following issues/questions: o How can learning theory help us to understand how organisations can design learning that maximises em

Both Trevor Noah and Ronald Cotton were confronted with the profound impact of racism in their younger lives, but were able to overcome these barriers to lead successful lives. How were their experiences with racism similar?

Both Trevor Noah and Ronald Cotton were confronted with the profound impact of racism in their younger lives, but were able to overcome these barriers to lead successful lives. How were their experiences with racism similar? Essay 3: Analysis (50 points) English 057 Analysis is the practice of looking closely at something (here, a book) in order to develop a better understanding of it. For this essay, you will be analyzing Picking Cotton. Both Trevor Noah and Ronald Cotton were confronted with the profound impact of racism in their younger lives, but were able to overcome these barriers to lead successful lives. How were their experiences with racism similar? How did they differ? What can we learn from their experiences? Support your opinion with specific examples from both books. Theme: a unifying idea or meaning that is reflected in characters, plot, settings, and points of view. Note that there can be multiple themes found in the same work. 1. Write an essay in which you prese

Basically, what I am asking you to do is to analyze is the show The Bachelor and how Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca’s theory of rhetoric can help understand the popularity of the show and why’s been around for so long

Basically, what I am asking you to do is to analyze is the show The Bachelor and how Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca’s theory of rhetoric can help understand the popularity of the show and why’s been around for so long You will use key ideas from Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca’s chapter of Foss, Foss, and Trapp to frame YOUR analysis (the theorist’s ideas should only help out your own analysis, do not write as if you are the particular theorist is being the analyzer) you must be able to explain how the show The Bachelor does work in the rhetorics of public spaces, issues of social justice, and/or the building and maintenance of human communities. Basically, what I am asking you to do is to analyze is the show The Bachelor and how Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca’s theory of rhetoric can help understand the popularity of the show and why’s been around for so long. Attached are the lecture slides on Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca, and an article by Perelman. The book where you should cite

Working in a small group you will carry out an investigation into two large business organisations of your choice and produce a report of your findings

Working in a small group you will carry out an investigation into two large business organisations of your choice and produce a report of your findings Introduction: This assignment is in two parts; part A and part B. Part A 70% of marks for this assessment and part B 30% of marks. It is worth 50% of the overall mark for this module. Your answer should be between1,500 – 2,000 words in length. The deadline for this piece of work is: 12 pm 09th April 2019 One paper copy of your work must be formally submitted to Academic Services by the deadline.A completed and signed submission form must be attached to your work. One electronic copy must be uploaded to Turnitin before the deadline. You are allowed to submit one draft assignment to your tutor 14 days before the deadline and the tutor will provide feedback. Work submitted late to Academic Services the will incur a penaltyof up to 15% of the final mark. PART A – Business Analysis Report (approximately 2000 – 2500 words) Working

In this assignment you will create a histogram plot from a given set of data, and then determine the mean, median, and standard deviation

In this assignment you will create a histogram plot from a given set of data, and then determine the mean, median, and standard deviation This homework assignment will continue to familiarize you with the Excel software, creating graphs and using the data analysis add-in feature. In this assignment you will create a histogram plot from a given set of data, and then determine the mean, median, and standard deviation, including your overall practical interpretation of the results. To begin, access the Excel Template and follow the instructions under the Template – Statistics tab. You will submit your homework using this Excel template. Please click on the above title to submit your assignment. The post In this assignment you will create a histogram plot from a given set of data, and then determine the mean, median, and standard deviation appeared first on Ink Essays. In this assignment you will create a histogram plot from a given set of data, and then determine the mean, median, an

You will watch a film that is related to the issues of development and developmental psychology. The film should focus on a particular period of development

You will watch a film that is related to the issues of development and developmental psychology. The film should focus on a particular period of development You will watch a film that is related to the issues of development and developmental psychology. The film should focus on a particular period of development. There are three movies to choose from. Pick one of this movies to watch and answer the following questions. The movie options are: 1. Look Who’s Talking or Three Men and a Baby (infancy) 2. The Breakfast Club or Juno (adolescence) 3. Failure to Launch (emerging adulthood), Harold & Maude or Quartet (late adulthood). This paper should be no less than 3 FULL pages no longer than 5 pages. The paper will be broken into three main sections. The majority of your paper should be devoted to the second part, applying the course material to the film. Three sections of the paper: Part 1: Provide a brief synopsis of the movie in your own words (less than 1 page). Part 2: App

Why Teacher-Student Relationships Matter – Education Week.htm This article has an opinion that suggests that if you don’t know a student how can you teach the student

Why Teacher-Student Relationships Matter – Education Week.htm This article has an opinion that suggests that if you don’t know a student how can you teach the student Why Teacher-Student Relationships Matter – Education Week.htm This article has an opinion that suggests that if you don’t know a student how can you teach the student, so please feel free to critique the article with your own experiences or research. Let us know what you think. The above topic is what I am writing about. The first attachment is the article. The second one is what I started with. You can correct my paper or just start fresh. The post Why Teacher-Student Relationships Matter – Education Week.htm This article has an opinion that suggests that if you don’t know a student how can you teach the student appeared first on Ink Essays. Why Teacher-Student Relationships Matter – Education Week.htm This article has an opinion that suggests that if you don’t know a student how can you teach the student Ass

Mood has been shown to have an effect on a variety of cognitive tasks including working memory (Martin & Kerns, 2011). Often in these experiments, mood is manipulated by showing participants videos

Mood has been shown to have an effect on a variety of cognitive tasks including working memory (Martin & Kerns, 2011). Often in these experiments, mood is manipulated by showing participants videos PSYC2022 Lab Report Trimester 1 2019 Worth: 30% Word Count: 2000 words (this is a maximum limit – we will stop reading at 2000 words) Assignment Brief Mood has been shown to have an effect on a variety of cognitive tasks including working memory (Martin & Kerns, 2011). Often in these experiments, mood is manipulated by showing participants videos. Another way to manipulate mood is through music (Västfjäll, 2002). We want to know if we can manipulate mood using music instead, and whether this would have an effect on working memory performance. To test this, we will be using a working memory task known as the operation span task (OSPAN). In this task, you will be asked to read and verify a simple math problem (such as “Is (4/2)-1=1 yes/no?) and then read a letter after the operat

As a group, you will describe and analyse daily returns (see the ‘Problems’ section for a formal definition) of two stocks in the period 2015 – 2018. The data are described in the ‘Data’ section at the end of this document.

As a group, you will describe and analyse daily returns (see the ‘Problems’ section for a formal definition) of two stocks in the period 2015 – 2018. The data are described in the ‘Data’ section at the end of this document. STAT0004 Take Home Assessment 2019 Deadline: 16:00 Wednesday 24 April 2019 You will work in a group (of approximately 3 students) to produce a single report. 1 Rules for the take home assessment • Your group will submit, via the Submit your take home assessment Moodle page, one PDF file containing your report and one R program file. • Each group member must click their respective “Submit” buttons in order for the group’s submission to be successful and final. By ticking the submission declaration box in Moodle you are agreeing to the following declaration: Declaration: I am aware of the UCL Statistical Science Department’s regulations on plagiarism for assessed coursework. I have read the guidelines in the student handbook and understand what constitutes

Recently we delved into an author’s use themes, and how they are supported by the Elements of Drama and Fiction (Character, Plot, Setting, Symbolism, Themes) by answering Who, What, Where, When, Why

Recently we delved into an author’s use themes, and how they are supported by the Elements of Drama and Fiction (Character, Plot, Setting, Symbolism, Themes) by answering Who, What, Where, When, Why Assignment: Essay #2 “A & P “and “Doubt: A Parable” Recently we delved into an author’s use themes, and how they are supported by the Elements of Drama and Fiction (Character, Plot, Setting, Symbolism, Themes) by answering Who, What, Where, When, Why. The next essay assignment will be an in-depth exploration of themes as they relate to John Updike’s short story “A & P“ and John Patrick Shanley’s play “Doubt: A Parable” With consideration of the short story “A & P” AND the play “Doubt: A Parable” Explore and/or evaluate how the events of the 60’s reflected in the internal and external actions of the characters. 1. Using EXAMPLES from the text, write a paragraph or two – ( following the Anatomy of Paragraph hand out) discussing how each of the elements of Fiction and Drama w

This case is about aligning IT with business objectives and picks up with Danielle Savoie’s appointment to lead IT at Cirque du Soleil. At the time, Cirque was making efforts to “professionalize” its management while preserving its creativity

This case is about aligning IT with business objectives and picks up with Danielle Savoie’s appointment to lead IT at Cirque du Soleil. At the time, Cirque was making efforts to “professionalize” its management while preserving its creativity Session #1 Notes, Part Deux This week you are doing your first case study. You might be wondering what to do with this specific case, so I am offering the following guidance: 1. Synopsis: This case is about aligning IT with business objectives and picks up with Danielle Savoie’s appointment to lead IT at Cirque du Soleil. At the time, Cirque was making efforts to “professionalize” its management while preserving its creativity. It was a very successful enterprise that had grown rapidly. Cirque had five road shows touring the world, three permanent shows (also known as resident shows) in the USA, regional offices on three continents, and headquarters in Montreal. In terms of IT, the situation is described in the case as “being typical of a small

Using at least four (4) sources, you will research and present in your own words details regarding your chosen artist’s personal background and information pertaining to the development of their music career

Using at least four (4) sources, you will research and present in your own words details regarding your chosen artist’s personal background and information pertaining to the development of their music career The Rock Artist Report research assignment is worth 10% of your overall course grade Due Dates: 1) Rough Draft (worth 3%) is due via D2L drop box by: Thursday March 21st 2) Final Draft (worth 7%) is due via D2L drop box by: Thursday April 4th Early turn-in accepted for each draft. Late work will not be permitted. Your research must be proven and documented by guidelines set forth within the grading criteria, below: 1) Using at least four (4) sources, you will research and present in your own words details regarding your chosen artist’s personal background and information pertaining to the development of their music career. 2) You will write at least three (3) to no more than six (6) pages in Microsoft Word. 3) In addition to the paper, you will attach a separate works cite

For this assignment, you will choose a character depicted in the movie you have chosen. You will apply an ethical issue to the situation of a character in the film

For this assignment, you will choose a character depicted in the movie you have chosen. You will apply an ethical issue to the situation of a character in the film NURS 317 Written Paper General Guidelines: For this assignment, you will choose a character depicted in the movie you have chosen. You will apply an ethical issue to the situation of a character in the film. Your paper should include a discussion about identifying, analyzing and evaluating two ethical dilemmas are illustrated in the movie and their relationship to the character and society. It should include a strong development of the conditions portrayed in the film that may have led to the ethical issue including pathophysiology of a disease process if appropriate. Please see rubric. Format: You must use APA 6th ed. formatting for the entire paper. This formatting includes all aspects such as title page, headings, margins, font, text, citations, and references as well as word choice, attention to standards of gramma

For this assignment, you have the opportunity to take a variety of self-assessments to learn more about yourself and identify your assets and weaknesses as a leader

For this assignment, you have the opportunity to take a variety of self-assessments to learn more about yourself and identify your assets and weaknesses as a leader This assignment focuses on the tenet of conscious leadership, the importance of self-assessment, and reflection. Self-awareness is essential for developing management and leadership skills. Recognizing your own strengths, weaknesses, and values, and understanding emotional intelligence and learning styles can help you to be a more effective leader. Becoming self-aware is an ongoing process requiring introspection. The more often people practice self-reflection, the more opportunities they have to understand their own behaviors and adapt their approaches to working with other people, which can improve both your own and other’s abilities to meet their professional goals. Self-Assessment For this assignment, you have the opportunity to take a variety of self-assessments to learn more about yourself and identify your assets