Find 2 original empirical scholarly journal articles that examine the effectiveness of at least 2 different approaches to treating the principal disorder in your case study

Find 2 original empirical scholarly journal articles that examine the effectiveness of at least 2 different approaches to treating the principal disorder in your case study

PURPOSE: To critically evaluatethe currently available approaches to treating psychological disorders and recommend a treatment.
DUE: March 28thby 11:59pm on Canvas (emailed submissions or hardcopies will not be accepted unless the instructor has granted permission)
• The instructor is able to grant an extension UP TO 5pm on April 5th. In order to request an extension, email the instructor and attach supporting documentation (e.g. medical certificates, accident reports, etc.).
• The instructor CANNOT accept term work submitted AFTER 5pm on April 5th. To submit term work AFTER 5pm on April 5thyou must request permission from the Psychology Department. Please see the syllabus and Canvas for instructions regarding assignment submission AFTER 5pm on April 5th.
• If you encounter any problems submitting your assignment via Canvas, email the instructor ASAP! Do not delay in contacting the instructor as you will be required to provide evidence of submission problems (e.g. screen shots, error reports, etc.). Remember that Canvas provides confirmation of successful submission.
WEIGHT: 15% of your final grade
LATE PENALTY: 10% reduction in mark per day (including weekends)
• Paragraph form with complete sentences and formal language
• 4-5 pages double-spaced (This does not include title page and reference list).
• 1-inch margins (all sides)
• 12pt Times New Roman font
• APA format for: title page, running header, page numbers, in-text citations, direct quotes, reference list, any headings/subheadings (the use of headings/subheadings is optional)
o Note: an abstract is NOT required (See FORMAL REQUIREMENTS section below)
o Make use of the UTM library’s APA resources for information regarding APA format (
 Click on the “APA” tab and then the “Purdue OWL” link

1) Find 2 original empirical scholarly journal articles that examine the effectiveness of at least 2 different approaches to treating the principal disorder in your case study. In other words, find articles that provide empirical evidence that the treatment works.
For example, if the principal disorder is anorexia, you may find one article that examines the effectiveness of the Maudsley approach and a different article that examines the effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy. You should aim to find articles that examine the effectiveness of the most common, widely-used treatment approaches for the principal disorder in your case study.
If one of your articles examines several treatments, as long as your other article does not examine the same ones, that is acceptable.
An original, empirical journal article reports detailed information on research conducted by its authors. Such detailed information includes the purpose of the research, hypotheses tested (not applicable to exploratory empirical studies), sample(s), methods used to collect primary data/test hypotheses, data analyses, results, interpretation/discussion of results, etc.If you are unsure whether your articles are empirical, email the instructor.
There are tutorials posted on Canvas to help you.
• “How to Find Articles TUTORIAL”
o This tutorial walks you through how to use the library’s article databases to search for articles.
• “How to Read Empirical Articles TUTORIAL”
o This tutorial provides information on the format, structure and content of empirical articles.
a. Your articles must be published in the year 1990 or after (Any exceptions MUST be approved by the instructor).
b. You cannot use review articles to fulfill this criterion. (N.B. A review article reviews/summarizes the current research on a particular topic/question and does not include any collection of primary data).
c. You cannot use meta-analyses to fulfill this criterion. (N.B. A meta-analysis article reviews the current literature and uses statistical procedures to analyze the empirical results of previously published studies. It does not involve collection of primary data).
d. You cannot use dissertations, theses, or articles published in Dissertation Abstracts International to fulfill this criterion as these sources are not peer-reviewed.
e. You cannot use articles published in non-scholarly sources (e.g. Wikipedia, popular culture magazines, blogs, etc.) to fulfill this criterion.

2) Provide a critique of your 2 original, empirical journal articles.
a. Your critique can address any aspect(s) of the articles, e.g. theoretical background, hypotheses, methods, analyses, results, interpretations, implications, limitations, conclusions, etc.
i. A good critique:
a. Points out what aspects are strengths and explains why these aspects are strengths. For example, if you believe that the use of both self and informant reports in a study is a strength, you must also explain why that is a strength (e.g., increased validity once the same results are obtained using different methods)
b. Points out what are aspects are weakness and explains why these aspects are weaknesses. For example, if you believe that a small sample size is a weakness of a study you must also explain why that is a weakness (e.g., results may be due to chance, etc.). Sometimes the studies of a particular disorder may have small sample sizes because the disorder is rare. Thus, a small sample size is typical of that kind of research and not necessarily a weakness in and of itself.
c. Goes beyond the strengths and weaknesses pointed out by the authors. While you can, of course, point out and describe the strengths and weaknesses mentioned by the authors of the articles (and other authors (see below)), a good assignment will include your own critique. Here is your chance to be creative and original! But remember to always give credit to the original sources by citing the source(s) of any and allideas that are not your own.
d. A good critique provides well justified/supported points. Thus, you are encouraged to use additional sources to support your arguments (i.e. why an aspect is a strength/weakness). Additional sources include additional scholarly journal articles, lecture slides (See the “Tips” section for information about citing lecture slides), textbooks, etc.). You can use review articles and meta-analyses (See #1b & #1c above for descriptions of these types of articles). You cannot use dissertations, theses, or articles published in Dissertation Abstracts International.
3) Providea brief conclusion. Your conclusion must include the following:
a. Which treatment examined in your articles you would recommend for the patient in your case study.
b. A brief summary of why you recommend this treatment based upon your critique of the articles.
4) Provide a reference list (APA format). Your reference list should include:
i. All of your sources including (of course) your main 2 articles.
a. APA formatted title page (must include your name, student number, course code)
b. Critique of the 2 main articles
c. Conclusion
d. APA formatted reference list that includes ALL of your sources
a. Format [10 points]
i. Within page limits (4-5 pages DOUBLE-SPACED)
ii. APA format for any title page, page numbers and running header, any headings and sub- headings if used, in-text citations and reference list
iii. Margins (1” all sides)
iv. Font size (12pt Times New Roman)
b. Punctuation, grammar, spelling, and writing style [20 points]
i. Minimal punctuation, grammatical and spelling errors
ii. Clearly and concisely written
iii. Transitions between sentences and paragraphs
iv. Organization of ideas and information
c. Appropriateness and relevance of 2 main articles [10 points]
i. Articles critiqued provide empirical evidence of the effectiveness of relevant and appropriate treatment approaches for the specific principal disorder
ii. Articles critiqued do not violate the restrictions specified in #1 above
d. Quality of Critique [50 points]
i. Discussion and explanation of strengths of each article
ii. Discussion and explanation of weaknesses of each article
e. Conclusion [10 points]
i. Treatment approach recommendation
ii. Brief justification/explanation of recommendation based on critique
1. Review the university’s policy on plagiarism. It will not be tolerated! There are also documents posted on the course website regarding plagiarism and paraphrasing.

2. No collaboration is authorized. Your assignments are independent work.
3. Get started early so that you have enough time to thoroughly research your topic (i.e. read the literature).

4. Correct punctuation, spelling, and grammar are important as they make your paper easier to understand. The university provides many resources to help students with punctuation, grammar and spelling. Make use of them.
5. When referring to your own ideas, you may use first person pronouns.
6. When getting started, use your textbook to find out what are the commonly used treatments for the principal disorder in your case study.
7. Use an article database on the library website to search for articles. Good article databases include Scholar’s Portal, PsycINFO, and Web of Science.

8. Use the tutorials posted on Canvas. The “How to Find Articles” tutorial includes some helpful tips and strategies such as:
a. You can use a cited reference search to find articles. Suppose you find a good article that was published before 1990 and seems to be very influential (i.e. several other articles have cited it). You can do a cited reference search to find more recent articles that have cited that older article.
b. You can find a review article or meta-analysis to help you get started (you cannot use these articles as your main articles). You can use them to help you find the original, empirical journal articles that you can then use as the main articles that you will critique.
c. Make use of your textbook to help you find articles.
d. You should choose articles that have been published in APA journals. These are journals that have a peer-review process and as such the articles have been scrutinized in terms of validity and quality (hence why you cannot use Dissertations Abstracts International, it is not peer-reviewed). Here are some examples of good APA journals:

Journal of Abnormal Psychology;Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice, Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology; Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology

These are just some examples. If you find a good article that you want to use but are unsure of whether it is from a good journal, just email the course instructor and ask whether you can use it!

9. Make sure to put the information in your own words. Although you can use direct quotes, use them sparingly and thoughtfully, and remember APA format.

10. You may use lecture slides as additional, external sources. If you use information from lecture slides, you must have appropriate APA formatted in-text citations (e.g., “Walker, 2019) and corresponding reference list entries (See this link for how to cite online lecture notes & presentation slides:

11. Remember that a good critique does not just focus on the weaknesses. In this context, a good critique focuses on the scientific merits (strengths and weaknesses) of the evidence.
While you do not have to discuss the same number of strengths and weaknesses, you must include both! For example, if you have 3 strengths and 2 weaknesses that is acceptable. If you have 3 strengths and no weaknesses, you will lose marks!
a. The number of strengths and weaknesses that you include is less important than the quality of your critique and argument. Once you have at least 1 strength and at least 1 weakness for each article, the quality of your arguments becomes more important. For example, a student who has provided a sound critique based on a small number of strengths and weaknesses will receive more marks compared to a student who provides a weak critique based on a large number of strengths and weaknesses.
b. Do not just state that something is a strength/weakness. The goal is to construct an argument, so you must justify your opinion. In other words, you must explain why something is a strength/weakness. There are many ways of doing this. One way is to use additional sources that provide a reason why something is a strength/weakness. For example, if another article provides a reason why some aspect is a strength/weakness, you can cite this other article to justify your opinion. If you want some help figuring out why something is a strength/weakness, email the course instructor or drop by during office hours.
c. Do not base your critique on stylistic aspects of the article. Journal articles are written in a particular way and are presented in a particular way. For example, scientific terminology/jargon is used because the authors assume a certain level of familiarity with these terms. Therefore, failure to use simple/layperson terms is not a weakness. However, failure to define key concepts relevant to the underlying theory is a weakness. Also, failure to provide tables or figures is not necessarily a weakness because journals have page limits and guidelines as to how much information can be included and how information is presented.
12. Make use of the course instructor! It’s what I am here for. Email me with any questions or concerns that you have. I also have weekly office hours,just drop by.While I will not give your feedback on an entire assignment, I can answer questions, clarify information, give feedback on structure, help you find strengths and weaknesses, etc.
13. Be aware that an “A” paper does not simply meet the minimum criteria specified above. An “A” paper does an exceptional job meeting the above criteria and exceeds the requirements by demonstrating creativity, exceptional grasp of the information and its relevance to psychology, exceptional critical analysis skills, exceptional use and integration of additional sources, and exceptional written expression skills
14. Enjoy the assignment! The main point of this assignment is to teach you how to be more informed consumers of information. Remember, no scientific study is perfect!

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Find 2 original empirical scholarly journal articles that examine the effectiveness of at least 2 different approaches to treating the principal disorder in your case study



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