Using at least four (4) sources, you will research and present in your own words details regarding your chosen artist’s personal background and information pertaining to the development of their music career

Using at least four (4) sources, you will research and present in your own words details regarding your chosen artist’s personal background and information pertaining to the development of their music career

The Rock Artist Report research assignment is worth 10% of your overall course grade
Due Dates:
1) Rough Draft (worth 3%) is due via D2L drop box by: Thursday March 21st
2) Final Draft (worth 7%) is due via D2L drop box by: Thursday April 4th
Early turn-in accepted for each draft. Late work will not be permitted.
Your research must be proven and documented by guidelines set forth within the grading criteria, below:
1) Using at least four (4) sources, you will research and present in your own words details regarding your chosen artist’s personal background and information pertaining to the development of their music career.
2) You will write at least three (3) to no more than six (6) pages in Microsoft Word.
3) In addition to the paper, you will attach a separate works cited page that includes an accurate list of your sources.
Be sure to present your works cited page in accordance with the guidelines of the MLA documentation protocol.
The format of your works cited page will also be graded, so accuracy of detail is pertinent.
*Use the following link as a guide in formatting your works cited page:
4) The artist you choose can be anyone we study throughout the course, OR perhaps a rock performer we haven’t
discussed, in which you are most interested.
5) You will document your sources within the body of the paper, using MLA format style. This means you must
indicate page numbers and authors (or source name) within each paragraph – this informs the reader from
which source in your works cited page your particular details were derived. Parenthetical MLA citation format
must be accurately provided, as the format of your documentation will also be graded.
6) Your reference materials may be from the internet, but it is strongly suggested to also have two or more hard copy
books, journals, and/or magazine articles from the public library or campus library. When documenting
recordings from CD’s, include track numbers/album cover/CD jacket content, etc.
7) You will describe your artists’ main performance or compositional approach and style, again making sure to
document within the body of your paper from where you have retrieved your information.
8) You will give background details about one to two of their albums (live vs. studio, where/when recorded, etc.).
9) You will use third-person voice in the bulk of your writing. Avoid second-person (never directly address the
reader with “you,” etc.). First-person voice may be used in certain areas, as described in item #10 herein:
10) You will include titles of at least two of the artist’s major pieces/compositions and discuss why these particular
songs appeal to you in terms of tempo, performing forces and mood, etc. First-person voice may be used in these
moments to get personal in your writing: in addition to presenting data and facts, explain what it is about their
music that you particularly enjoy. You may also describe other musicians with whom your artist has performed.
11) Documentaries can be used as a source, but please make sure to also research (MLA online) how to appropriately
cite the referencing of such things within a formal paper.
12) Paragraphs will contain at least five (5) to eight (8) sentences, and your paper will be typed, doublespaced using Times New Roman 11-point or 12-point font.

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Using at least four (4) sources, you will research and present in your own words details regarding your chosen artist’s personal background and information pertaining to the development of their music career



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