Working in a small group you will carry out an investigation into two large business organisations of your choice and produce a report of your findings

Working in a small group you will carry out an investigation into two large business organisations of your choice and produce a report of your findings


This assignment is in two parts; part A and part B.
Part A 70% of marks for this assessment and part B 30% of marks.
It is worth 50% of the overall mark for this module.
Your answer should be between1,500 – 2,000 words in length.
The deadline for this piece of work is: 12 pm 09th April 2019
One paper copy of your work must be formally submitted to Academic Services by the deadline.A completed and signed submission form must be attached to your work.
One electronic copy must be uploaded to Turnitin before the deadline.
You are allowed to submit one draft assignment to your tutor 14 days before the deadline and the tutor will provide feedback.
Work submitted late to Academic Services the will incur a penaltyof up to 15% of the final mark.

PART A – Business Analysis Report (approximately 2000 – 2500 words)

Working in a small group you will carry out an investigation into two large business organisations of your choice and produce a report of your findings. You should choose two organisations from different countries; one must be a Limited Company and the other a third sector organisation of some type.

Your group report must include:

1. Report Introduction.
2. A brief history of the development of each organisation.
3. An explanation of the economic sector each business organisation operates in.This links to LO1
4. An explanation of the ownership of each organisation.
5. An explanation of the activities, size and scale of each organisation.
6. An analysis of how the organisations’ activities have changed over the last five years. You must analyse any areas of growth or decline. This links to LO2.
7. An explanation of each business organisations’aims and motivations. This links to LO3
8. An explanation of each organisations Corporate Social Responsibility activities.
9. An evaluation of how the two business organisations have changed the ways in which they operate. This links to LO5.

Your report should have structure that contains at least:

• Front cover
• Contents page
• Introduction
• Business Organisation 1: Background – including Economic Classification and ownership
• Business Organisation 1: Brief history
• Business Organisation 1: Comment and analysis of organisation aims and objectives
• Business Organisation 1: Explanation of the organisation’s activities, size and scale.
• Business Organisation 1: Analysis of how the organisation’s activities have changed over the last five years.
• Business Organisation 1 : Description and analysis of CSR activities.
• Business Organisation 1: Evaluation of the impact on society and country in which they operate.

• Business Organisation 2: Background – including Economic Classification and ownership
• Business Organisation 2: Brief history
• Business Organisation 2: Comment and analysis of organisation aims and objectives
• Business Organisation 2: Explanation of the organisation’s activities, size and scale.
• Business Organisation 2: Analysis of how the organisation’s activities have changed over the last five years.
• Business Organisation 2: Description and analysis of CSR activities.
• Business Organisation 2: Evaluation of the impact on society and country in which they operate.
• Conclusion
• In-text citations
• A final reference list
• Page numbers
• Consistent formatting
• Font size 12

Group working:

Participation in group work is an important aspect of your studies. It is recognised by the University of Liverpool as an important skill and is a vital aspect of working life in the business and professional world.

You will be organised into groups; each group will have will have 3 or 4 members. The group members will organise how work should be divided.In addition to working in the seminar sessions you are expected to organise working meetings with fellow group members outside of the normal timetabled classes to ensure progress with your report.

When you put your group’s work together to compile your final report, you must, as a team, edit your work, so it appears as a ‘whole’ or single document, and not a collection of individual student’s work. Remember, it’s a team project, and your marks will reflect how well you have worked together as a team. This is worth 70% of your marks for this assessment.

PART B – Individual self-reflection(500 words)

Asa university student you need to be an independent learner to make progress and be successful. For part B of this assessment and to help you develop your independent learning skills, you will assess your own progress, identify your strengths and weaknesses and explain how you could remedy any difficulties in future work. It is essential that you use the SELF REFLECTION (Business Analysis Report) document found in the Assessment Section in the VLE. This is worth 30% of the marks for the assessment.


The marks awarded will recognise the overall quality of the completed report. It is crucial that everyone in the group participates fully in the assignment.

70% of the total marks are for the report and the same mark will be awarded to each individual member of the group.

30% of the marks will be for the individual self-reflection and will be an individual mark for each student.

The two marks are added together to produce the final mark for the assignment.

Marking Criteria:

Marking criteria for this assessment are on the VLE. Marks for the report are awarded according to the following criteria:

1. The amount and depth of research carried out.
2. The relevance and detail of the content and argument.
3. The extent to which the report is coherently structured.
4. The overall presentation of the assignment and the accuracy of citations and referencing.


You will need to carry out research into the businesses and so you should include citations wherever possible and produce a final reference list using the Harvard referencing system.

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Working in a small group you will carry out an investigation into two large business organisations of your choice and produce a report of your findings



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