You will watch a film that is related to the issues of development and developmental psychology. The film should focus on a particular period of development

You will watch a film that is related to the issues of development and developmental psychology. The film should focus on a particular period of development

You will watch a film that is related to the issues of development and developmental psychology. The film should focus on a particular period of development. There are three movies to choose from. Pick one of this movies to watch and answer the following questions.
The movie options are:
1. Look Who’s Talking or Three Men and a Baby (infancy)
2. The Breakfast Club or Juno (adolescence)
3. Failure to Launch (emerging adulthood), Harold & Maude or Quartet (late adulthood).
This paper should be no less than 3 FULL pages no longer than 5 pages. The paper will be broken into three main sections.
The majority of your paper should be devoted to the second part, applying the course material to the film.
Three sections of the paper:
Part 1: Provide a brief synopsis of the movie in your own words (less than 1 page).
Part 2: Apply the concepts and theories covered in this class to the film. You must address the following:
1. Explain what developmental theories can be applied to this movie and the main character.
2. Explain what other influences such as peers or family members in the film have on the main character.
3. Explain how context (e.g., culture, SES, neighborhood) influences the main character.
Part 3: Provide a brief concluding paragraph summarizing your thoughts on the film and how it relates to class (less than a page).
You must use AT LEAST ONE ADDITIONAL SOURCE, and this must be a peer-reviewed journal article.
You will be required to adhere to APA formatting including an appropriate title page. An abstract is not needed. You will need a reference page, which includes correct citations for the movie, your textbook, and any additional sources that you use.

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You will watch a film that is related to the issues of development and developmental psychology. The film should focus on a particular period of development



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