
Showing posts from June, 2019

Please choose a controversial topic, and persuade the class to rethink or change their position on a particular issue. Using the organizational methods that we have discussed

Please choose a controversial topic, and persuade the class to rethink or change their position on a particular issue. Using the organizational methods that we have discussed REQUIREMENTS: PERSUASIVE SPEECH Please choose a controversial topic, and persuade the class to rethink or change their position on a particular issue. Using the organizational methods that we have discussed, (refutation pattern, problem solution, etc.) you will clearly state and support your claim. Please make sure to answer the following questions in the introduction of your speech. What are you persuading us to believe? What do you want us to do or think as result of your speech? REQUIREMENTS: 1. You must turn in a typed outline and bibliography on the day of your speech, before your speech. The outline must follow the guidelines based on textbook and lecture and must contain a bibliography in MLA or APA format. When you have finished your speech, you will also attach your speaking notes. So that you may o

Evidence based theories regarding his childhood, linking that to drug and alcohol issues and why motivational interviewing is best therapy

Evidence based theories regarding his childhood, linking that to drug and alcohol issues and why motivational interviewing is best therapy I require section C formulation, evidence based theories regarding his childhood, linking that to drug and alcohol issues and why motivational interviewing is best therapy. Additionally, an intervention plan – client seen 12 times etc. I have included the paper I am working on, in order to get some background history on the client for writing the formulation and theory section I have included a checklist of my requirements and setting out. Also included is an example of the section I require to be written. Note- it is an example and not related to the current order. No plaigarism. The post Evidence based theories regarding his childhood, linking that to drug and alcohol issues and why motivational interviewing is best therapy appeared first on Ink Essays. Evidence based theories regarding his childhood, linking that to drug and alcohol issues

Most of the discussions this quarter will deal with The Science of Fear. Every chapter in the book contains at least one argument, which is the main focus of this class

Most of the discussions this quarter will deal with The Science of Fear. Every chapter in the book contains at least one argument, which is the main focus of this class Discussion :The Science of Fear Chapters 2 and 3 Most of the discussions this quarter will deal with The Science of Fear. Every chapter in the book contains at least one argument, which is the main focus of this class. So, even if you think Gardner are full of crap, his book should at least demonstrate some strategies of argumentation. These strategies and your reactions to their arguments will be the focus of the discussion questions. Your responses to each of the questions should be at least 200 words long and should incorporate specific examples and/or quotations from the text. Here are the questions: 1. Gardner gives us a rather dire version of our modern attitudes about the world around us: “Open the newspaper, watch the evening news. On any given day, there’s a good chance that someone – a journalist, activi

Directions, Part Two: Roe v. Wade (1973) established the legal right to abortion. State legislative and executive bodies, nonetheless, continue to battle over legislation related to access to abortion

Directions, Part Two: Roe v. Wade (1973) established the legal right to abortion. State legislative and executive bodies, nonetheless, continue to battle over legislation related to access to abortion Women’s Reproductive Rights Discussions Kristen Colchico 22 unread replies.22 replies. Directions, Part Two: Roe v. Wade (1973) established the legal right to abortion. State legislative and executive bodies, nonetheless, continue to battle over legislation related to access to abortion, including parental consent and notification and mandatory waiting periods. In addition, public funding for abortion remains a contested issue in many states and bills requiring women to have an ultrasound before obtaining an abortion, stringent regulatory measures targeting abortion providers, bans or restrictions preventing women from obtaining health insurance coverage for abortion, and bans on abortion at later stages of pregnancy have all been proposed and/or enacted. Conduct credible research abo

Quote Sandwich Exercise: You should be able to identify most of the quotations below. Choose one and then sandwich it, using your handouts and rubric as guidelines

Quote Sandwich Exercise: You should be able to identify most of the quotations below. Choose one and then sandwich it, using your handouts and rubric as guidelines Ana MarÍa (Ía) Carbonell DVC Name___________________________________________________________________________ Quote Sandwich Exercise: You should be able to identify most of the quotations below. Choose one and then sandwich it, using your handouts and rubric as guidelines. Use proper formatting. If the quotation does not fully work for you, use just a part of it. Or, you may add to it if necessary. Or, you may choose another quotation to sandwich. Remember the quotation you choose needs to be apt; it needs to match your slices and make a point. And the slices need to be substantial (again, see your guidelines). Have fun making some yummy, hefty sandwiches. She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life. The delicious breath of rain was in the air. . .

You should write your paper in an essay style. In reading his autobiography, how would you justify the legacy of Booker T. Washington as a leader of blacks in the years following the Civil War until his death?

You should write your paper in an essay style. In reading his autobiography, how would you justify the legacy of Booker T. Washington as a leader of blacks in the years following the Civil War until his death? DR. MANIAN HST 1 PAPER (100 POINTS) Booker T. Washington, Up From slavery. Use the whole book to write your paper. Instructions: 1. Write a minimum of 7 full pages (5 pages for Part One and 2 Pages for Part Two). (Maximum limit is 9 pages). 2. Double-space it. 10 or 12 font size. 3. Use one inch margin space on all four sides. 4. You must upload your paper on to Canvas. It should be a pdf or WORD file. Title of file: “Paper”. 5. DO NOT USE QUOTES FROM THE BOOK. WRITE IN YOUR OWN WORDS. POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED IF YOU DIRECTLY QUOTE FROM THE BOOK. 7. Organize your paper in your own style. 8. Use a spell-checker to check spellings. Points will be deducted for spelling errors. 9. I will grade your paper on your understanding of the book, demonstration of your reading thr

Utilizing information provided by your text regarding the three theoretical positions (structural-functionalism, conflict theory, and the symbolic-interactionist perspective) on the sociology of religion

Utilizing information provided by your text regarding the three theoretical positions (structural-functionalism, conflict theory, and the symbolic-interactionist perspective) on the sociology of religion Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the “Assignment Format” page for specific format requirements. Respond to this topic using a five-paragraph format. The lead paragraph should state your position on the topic and preview the points you intend to address. Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4, are your body paragraphs. Each should address one of the three key points or topics you want to discuss and evaluate. The final paragraph should restate your thesis and review the points you’ve made in the body paragraphs. Utilizing information provided by your text regarding the three theoretical positions (structural-functionalism, conflict theory, and the symbolic-interactionist perspective) on the sociology of religion, write an essay, followin

The Paper is based on Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence, I would like the paper to describe each technology separately and lastly how they may be used together going forward in the future

The Paper is based on Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence, I would like the paper to describe each technology separately and lastly how they may be used together going forward in the future The Paper is based on Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence, I would like the paper to describe each technology separately and lastly how they may be used together going forward in the future. I would like at least 3 references but I will leave the exact amount up to you, please feel free to write the paper the way you see fit the best coincides with the guidelines provided. If possible I would like an abstract, outline, rough and final draft. The following are the guidelines that I received for the paper: · 20% of your report on the purpose and importance/relevance of the research (Introduction/Background/Context). · 25% of their report on what you did (Methods/Observations) · 35% of your report on what you found (Results of Research) · 20% of your report on the implications

List three disability category related characteristics/needs that you think have important implications for school functioning. Briefly indicate why you think each is important

List three disability category related characteristics/needs that you think have important implications for school functioning. Briefly indicate why you think each is important Here is how the 3-2-1 assignment works: 3- List three disability category related characteristics/needs that you think have important implications for school functioning. Briefly indicate why you think each is important (one sentence is sufficient here per characteristic/need). Please reference each characteristic/need by course reading by page number or video title. 2- List two interventions/accommodations/supports that you think are important for the designated disability category. Briefly indicate why you think each is important (one sentence is sufficient here). Please reference each intervention/accommodation/support by course reading by page number or video title. 1-List one ‘bottom line’ idea regarding the designated disability category that you think is most important for you to remember for your wor

For this assignment you will be reading and answering questions from the following article, An Introduction: American Indian Tribes and Law in Wisconsin.

For this assignment you will be reading and answering questions from the following article, An Introduction: American Indian Tribes and Law in Wisconsin. For this assignment you will be reading and answering questions from the following article, An Introduction: American Indian Tribes and Law in Wisconsin. ( Once you have completed the reading, answer the following two questions. Paraphrase the section on Treaties and the importance of the Marshall Trilogy court cases (5 points) Select one and explain in at least a paragraph: How do you define sovereignty? Do you agree/disagree that Tribal nations have sovereignty? Why do you think tribes will continue to strive for sovereignty? What is the importance of sovereignty to tribes? (5 points) Once you have completed the two questions, you will research a recent case of Tribal sovereignty in the U.S.. For example in the la

How did the Franks bring about lasting European kingdom? Answer with an essay that includes detail, examples and citations. Go beyond simply stating the facts

How did the Franks bring about lasting European kingdom? Answer with an essay that includes detail, examples and citations. Go beyond simply stating the facts How did the Franks bring about lasting European kingdom? Answer with an essay that includes detail, examples and citations. Go beyond simply stating the facts and do not copy directly from the book. The long essay would be a traditional essay that typically five paragraphs long. The first paragraph should introduce the topic and state the student’s position / answer to the question. It should contain between three-five (3-5) complete sentences, including the thesis statement for the essay. The second, third, and fourth paragraphs are the body paragraphs. Each body paragraph should contain between three-five (3-5) sentences, including the topic sentence (first sentence of the body paragraph, states a main point that supports the thesis) and at least two-three (2-3) specific examples per main point. The fifth and final paragraph

Write a one to two page summary of the chapter associated with this chapter. You will begin the summary by naming and defining three ideas/concepts that you find particularly interesting

Write a one to two page summary of the chapter associated with this chapter. You will begin the summary by naming and defining three ideas/concepts that you find particularly interesting Write a one to two page summary of the chapter associated with this chapter. You will begin the summary by naming and defining three ideas/concepts that you find particularly interesting and that you can apply to either your own life or some other “real life” situation. Then, in approximately one paragraph for each one of the three concepts, describe the concept/idea in more detail and then discuss how/why can relate to the idea/concept while applying the idea/concept to some real life situation. Submit this assignment as a WORD document to your instructor. This assignment should be a minimum of 2 pages using the required format. Use your own words. If you paraphrase or quote the materials, be sure that you use APA formatting procedures – your paper should contain in-text citations and a Reference pa

Research and write an overview of the Jones Act, outline the pros and cons of the act, and discuss how the Act affects non-U.S. shipping companies

Research and write an overview of the Jones Act, outline the pros and cons of the act, and discuss how the Act affects non-U.S. shipping companies Overview: Maritime Regulations (Chapter 8) Ships that service directly between U.S. ports are regulated under the 1920 Merchant Marine Act, also called the Jones Act. Over the years there has been much debate on the need of the Jones Act and attempts have been made in the US Congress to overturn the act. Instructions: Research and write an overview of the Jones Act, outline the pros and cons of the act, and discuss how the Act affects non-U.S. shipping companies. Using current APA format write a 2-page paper and must include the following: • Provide an overview of the Jones Act, outline the pros and cons of the act, and discuss how the Act affects non-U.S. shipping companies. • Include a title and reference page and at least one peer-reviewed references. • Must use textbook (listed below) if applicable, as a reference and you can as m

Research the Port of Tacoma, Washington and describe the operation, its services, equipment, and typical types of cargo handled at the port

Research the Port of Tacoma, Washington and describe the operation, its services, equipment, and typical types of cargo handled at the port Overview: Maritime and Pipeline Operations (Chapter 8) This week we are looking at maritime and pipeline operations. Both modes can carry large quantities of goods over long distances, but pipelines are limited in the types of commodities they can carry. Instructions: Research the Port of Tacoma, Washington and describe the operation, its services, equipment, and typical types of cargo handled at the port. Outline what the port is doing to improve its efficiency. Using current APA format, write a 1-page summary and outline in detail: • Describe the operations, its services, and typical types of cargo handled at the port. • Outline what the port is doing to improve its efficiency. • Ensure the paper supports your arguments using peer-reviewed articles. • Must use textbook (listed below) as a refe

Select and explain which core principle you believe is the most effective. Explain the ways in which this principle is put in to action today

Select and explain which core principle you believe is the most effective. Explain the ways in which this principle is put in to action today The National Drug Control Strategy The three core principles of the National Drug Control Strategy are: Stopping drug use before it starts: education and community action Healing America’s drug users: getting treatment resources where they are needed Disrupting the market: attacking the economic basis of the drug trade Taking this into consideration, address the following questions: Select and explain which core principle you believe is the most effective. Explain the ways in which this principle is put in to action today. Identify the programs or services that are being used to create an effective policy. Discuss whether or not these programs and services are effective. Select and explain the core principle you believe is the least effective. Explain the ways in which this principle is put in to action today. From an investigative pers

MY TOPIC: The proposed solution is the development of an evidenced-based proposal to support standardized breastfeeding education in the outpatient clinic

MY TOPIC: The proposed solution is the development of an evidenced-based proposal to support standardized breastfeeding education in the outpatient clinic I’m working on my capstone for Masters in Nursing Leadership/Management. I have started my project but need assistance in completing it. I have sent an attachment of what I started so that you can see what I’ve started. For you, I need the last two sections: I’m submitting a proposed solution for this problem! MY TOPIC: The proposed solution is the development of an evidenced-based proposal to support standardized breastfeeding education in the outpatient clinic to improve the breastfeeding rates of African-Americans in the Beach Cities OB/GYN clinic For the evidence base summary, I need 6 peer review articles in the last 5 years! F. Provide an evidence summary to support your proposed change. 1. Provide a reference list for your evidence summary in APA format that includes a minimum of SIX scholarly, peer-reviewed sources t

What are the major goals of the FASB ASC? How is the FASB ASC expected to improve the practice of accounting?

What are the major goals of the FASB ASC? How is the FASB ASC expected to improve the practice of accounting? The FASB ASC is now the sole authoritative source for all U.S. GAAP. Required: 1. What are the major goals of the FASB ASC? 2. How is the FASB ASC expected to improve the practice of accounting? 3. What literature is now contained in the FASB ASC? 4. What should an accountant do if the guidance for a particular transaction or event is not specified within the FASB ASC? And provide a biblical application for the subject matter of the case The post What are the major goals of the FASB ASC? How is the FASB ASC expected to improve the practice of accounting? appeared first on Ink Essays. What are the major goals of the FASB ASC? How is the FASB ASC expected to improve the practice of accounting? Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING