For this assignment you will be reading and answering questions from the following article, An Introduction: American Indian Tribes and Law in Wisconsin.

For this assignment you will be reading and answering questions from the following article, An Introduction: American Indian Tribes and Law in Wisconsin.

For this assignment you will be reading and answering questions from the following article, An Introduction: American Indian Tribes and Law in Wisconsin. (

Once you have completed the reading, answer the following two questions.

Paraphrase the section on Treaties and the importance of the Marshall Trilogy court cases (5 points)
Select one and explain in at least a paragraph: How do you define sovereignty? Do you agree/disagree that Tribal nations have sovereignty? Why do you think tribes will continue to strive for sovereignty? What is the importance of sovereignty to tribes? (5 points)
Once you have completed the two questions, you will research a recent case of Tribal sovereignty in the U.S.. For example in the last couple of years, the Standing Rock Sioux tribe have exercised their tribal sovereignty in North Dakota, protesting an oil pipeline, Dakota Access Pipeline (DAP), being built near their tribal reservation (see below). Once you have found an article, you will need to summarize the article, including the key sovereignty issues within the article. Make sure you include the link to the article (2-3 paragraphs, 10 points).

You can use any article you locate on Indian Sovereignty or one from below:


5 points is awarded for formatting, grammar and organization
Wikipedia is not a valid source in college writing, however it is a valuable starting point (always confirm the validity of what is found on Wikipedia)
Provide a citation for each reference at end of paper. If you use a website, the URL (website address) is acceptable
For future papers, make sure you double space and there is no need for a cover page or to restate the questions.

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For this assignment you will be reading and answering questions from the following article, An Introduction: American Indian Tribes and Law in Wisconsin.



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