Research and write an overview of the Jones Act, outline the pros and cons of the act, and discuss how the Act affects non-U.S. shipping companies

Research and write an overview of the Jones Act, outline the pros and cons of the act, and discuss how the Act affects non-U.S. shipping companies

Overview: Maritime Regulations (Chapter 8)
Ships that service directly between U.S. ports are regulated under the 1920 Merchant Marine Act, also called the Jones Act. Over the years there has been much debate on the need of the Jones Act and attempts have been made in the US Congress to overturn the act.
Research and write an overview of the Jones Act, outline the pros and cons of the act, and discuss how the Act affects non-U.S. shipping companies. Using current APA format write a 2-page paper and must include the following:
• Provide an overview of the Jones Act, outline the pros and cons of the act, and discuss how the Act affects non-U.S. shipping companies.
• Include a title and reference page and at least one peer-reviewed references.
• Must use textbook (listed below) if applicable, as a reference and you can as many additional references as you require (see attached references), however, references must be properly cited in the paper (to include page number), and they must be validated ‘peer reviewed’ sources and should NOT be from Wikipedia, newspapers, blogs, websites, new releases, white papers, advertising articles, business journals, and social media.
• Textbook Reference:
o Novack, R.A., Gibson. B. J., Suzuki, Y. & Coyle, J. J., (2019). Transportation: A global supply chain perspective (9th ed.). Boston, MA, USA: Cengage Learning.

 Google Drive Link:
• Additional References:
o Gale Encyclopedia of American Law. (2011). Jones act. Retrieved from
• Google Drive Link:
o Torres-Ríos, N. (2018). Limitations of the jones act: Racialized citizenship and territorial status. Rutgers Race and the Law Review, 19(1), 1-21.
 Google Drive Link:
o Rivera, M. O. L. (2018). hard to sea: Puerto rico’s future under the jones act. Loyola Maritime Law Journal, 17(1), 63.

 Google Drive Link:

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Research and write an overview of the Jones Act, outline the pros and cons of the act, and discuss how the Act affects non-U.S. shipping companies



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