Research the Port of Tacoma, Washington and describe the operation, its services, equipment, and typical types of cargo handled at the port

Research the Port of Tacoma, Washington and describe the operation, its services, equipment, and typical types of cargo handled at the port

Overview: Maritime and Pipeline Operations (Chapter 8)
This week we are looking at maritime and pipeline operations. Both modes can carry large quantities of goods over long distances, but pipelines are limited in the types of commodities they can carry.
Research the Port of Tacoma, Washington and describe the operation, its services, equipment, and typical types of cargo handled at the port. Outline what the port is doing to improve its efficiency. Using current APA format, write a 1-page summary and outline in detail:
• Describe the operations, its services, and typical types of cargo handled at the port.
• Outline what the port is doing to improve its efficiency.
• Ensure the paper supports your arguments using peer-reviewed articles.
• Must use textbook (listed below) as a reference and you can as many additional references as you require (see additional references below), however, references must be properly cited in the paper (to include page number), and they must be validated ‘peer reviewed’ sources and should NOT be from Wikipedia, newspapers, blogs, websites, new releases, white papers, advertising articles, business journals, and social media.
• Textbook Reference:
o Novack, R.A., Gibson. B. J., Suzuki, Y. & Coyle, J. J., (2019). Transportation: A global supply chain perspective (9th ed.). Boston, MA, USA: Cengage Learning.
o Google Drive Link:

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Research the Port of Tacoma, Washington and describe the operation, its services, equipment, and typical types of cargo handled at the port



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