
Showing posts from June, 2018

Explain in detail, the etiology and epidemiology of the disease and trace the history of how it affected the human population for the time period in which it was prevalent.

Explain in detail, the etiology and epidemiology of the disease and trace the history of how it affected the human population for the time period in which it was prevalent. Choose one (1) of the following diseases: Bubonic Plague, Smallpox, SARS, Polio, HIV/AIDS, Ebola, or H1N1 (if you have another disease you want to write about please send me an e-mail for permission). Explain in detail, the etiology and epidemiology of the disease and trace the history of how it affected the human population for the time period in which it was prevalent. You also need to include a detailed discussion of how the disease fits into either the ecological/evolutionary model of disease, or the political economy model of disease. Validate this discussion with sources. What were the attempted medical and social interventions and preventions during that time period? What specific contributions would a medical anthropologist be able to contribute to the understanding of this disease? The post Explain in d


Discuss how RACE, CRIME AFFECT THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT. RACE, CRIME AND THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT – TERM PAPER ASSIGNMENT In 1989 five Black and Latino boys were arrested, charged, and later convicted of the brutal rape and attempted murder of a White woman found clinging to life in Central Park. New York in the 1980s and 90s was notorious for its high crime rate and signs of disorder such as graffiti, abandoned buildings and littered streets. The “Central Park jogger case,” as this was later referred to as, was an example of how the circumstance of a white woman allegedly attacked by black and Hispanic teenagers played into the existing fears and prejudices of New Yorkers at the time. The boys were portrayed as bad seeds who were “wilding” that evening, up to no good, so it was easy for the police, as well as the public at large, to convict the boys before the trial even began. (They have since been exonerated via DNA evidence and a confession from the actually attacker) After watching epi

Develop 5 key success factors for their industry, whether it be RSO, non-profit, etc

Develop 5 key success factors for their industry, whether it be RSO, non-profit, etc Save the World Project Title Page: Name of Organization you are helping, student name 1. brief overview of what the organization does. 2. Develop 5 key success factors for their industry, whether it be RSO, non-profit, etc. 3. use the ansoff matrix/growth strategy model to come up with 12 ways they could raise more money or offer more services/help to their customers or others in their community 4. do a SWOT analysis on the firm and give them recommendations on how to improve their strengths, fix their weaknesses, seize the opportunities and prepare for threats. 5. look over their webpage and social media and give them constructive criticism on how to improve their online presense. The post Develop 5 key success factors for their industry, whether it be RSO, non-profit, etc appeared first on Ink Essays. Develop 5 key success factors for their industry, whether it be RSO, non-profit, etc Assi

Using several media pieces as mentioned above (at least 3), explore how the media filters and prescribes the identity of the male OR female in the category you’ve selected. Evaluate the accuracy of these messages.

Using several media pieces as mentioned above (at least 3), explore how the media filters and prescribes the identity of the male OR female in the category you’ve selected. Evaluate the accuracy of these messages. Everything you need to know about the paper is on the file i just dropped. Thank you English 35 Paper #3 Materials you’ll need to access for observation: Magazines, advertisements, t.v. talk shows, t.v. sitcoms, movies, billboards, stores, displays, commercials, music video Select one of the following categories to focus on for this assignment: Family/Married Men Using several media pieces as mentioned above (at least 3), explore how the media filters and prescribes the identity of the male OR female in the category you’ve selected. Evaluate the accuracy of these messages. Your thesis statement will express what the “prescription” or portrait of this identity appears to be/ what the stereotyping, perhaps, in the media suggests about the identity of individuals within

. In terms of the scientific method, how does astronomy differ from a lab science like chemistry or biology? How can astronomers be confident of their understanding of objects that are remote from the Earth?

. In terms of the scientific method, how does astronomy differ from a lab science like chemistry or biology? How can astronomers be confident of their understanding of objects that are remote from the Earth? 1. Astronomy is the oldest science and some important insights about the universe were gained even before the invention of the telescope. In no more than 750 words, address the following two questions: a. In terms of the scientific method, how does astronomy differ from a lab science like chemistry or biology? How can astronomers be confident of their understanding of objects that are remote from the Earth? b. Ancient cultures built some impressive structures that incorporated astronomical functions and information (Stonehenge, Chichen Itza, the Great Pyramid). A friend or acquaintance of yours tries to argue that some of these structures and artifacts are evidence of “ancient astronauts” or visits by intelligent aliens. How would you rebut or argue against this idea? 2. Astron

Using maps, demonstrate the spatial (geographical) impact of a single plant or animal that humans consume on diet and the economy.

Using maps, demonstrate the spatial (geographical) impact of a single plant or animal that humans consume on diet and the economy. Using maps, demonstrate the spatial (geographical) impact of a single plant or animal that humans consume on diet and the economy. In the instruction paper i provided, there are 4 topics and you chose different one if you like. The post Using maps, demonstrate the spatial (geographical) impact of a single plant or animal that humans consume on diet and the economy. appeared first on Ink Essays. Using maps, demonstrate the spatial (geographical) impact of a single plant or animal that humans consume on diet and the economy. Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Asia Pacific Tourism Association– APTA ( would like organize a series of conferences focusing on research topics in the area of travel and tourism. As a part of their operation, they need to organize annual conferences for researchers and industry practitioners to meet and present their work in 2018.

 Practical Assessment  Refer to Assignment Submission Box on VU Collaborate Weighting: 30% of final grade Coverage: This assessment item is based on course content in weeks 5- 11 Scenario Asia Pacific Tourism Association– APTA ( would like organize a series of conferences focusing on research topics in the area of travel and tourism. As a part of their operation, they need to organize annual conferences for researchers and industry practitioners to meet and present their work in 2018. You are appointed as an analyst programmer to develop a system to support the conference organization of APTA. Your task is to investigate the operation of APTA and identify potential events or conferences through the provided link or any other resources available online. You will design and develop a conference management system for APTA that allows conference organizers to manage the events and registrations. The system should store conference/event details, organizers details fo

What considerations are relevant for the ethics of conserving depletable resources?

Part 1: What considerations are relevant for the ethics of conserving depletable resources? Do future generations have the same right to the earth's resources as we do? Do other countries have the same claim to resources, such as energy, as we do? Part 2: What factors must be taken into consideration when determining the ethical status of a particular advertisement? Part 3: Why do consumers have a right to privacy? Why does industry have a right to know consumers' personal information? How do we strike the balance between them? What considerations are relevant when striking this balance? Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team at CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Social Problem targeted by policy/program

Use the typology discussed last night in assessing a policy/program. I. Social Problem targeted by policy/program A. History of Problem B. Population that suffers due to problem II. Groups Targeted A. Population intended to benefit from policy/program B. Focus of Change (what change is intended) C. Change Agents (Who will bring about change?) III. Funding A. Who pays for implementation of policy (e.g. taxes, fees etc.) B. Who receives benefits and how are benefits distributed (checks, vouchers, cards etc.) IV. Unintended Consequences of policy/program A. Who are unintended beneficiaries of policy/program? B. How do they benefit? C. In what ways does policy fail to help those who it is meant to help I want you to choose one of the following three policy/programs and use the above typology to assess it. You should be comprehensive in describing the history of the social problem that brought about policy and how people suffered because of the problem. THREE CHOICES: 1. Food Stamps

My name is Nancy Nobody, and I bought a computer at your Fort Lauderdale store on Broward Boulevard two months ago

Assume you are a customer service agent at Walmart who received the following phone call. "My name is Nancy Nobody, and I bought a computer at your Fort Lauderdale store on Broward Boulevard two months ago. I took it to Gainesville with me, and found out that it really isn't the computer I want, but when I came home and tried to return it to the store, the lady told me she couldn't take it back. I don't want this thing; how can I get my money back? You can call or text me at 555-555-5555." Your assignment is to research the return policy at Walmart (available on the internet), and then advise Ms. Nobody as to his option Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team at CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

When you generally pick up some of the common people and ask them that how you can trust #Packers and #Movers #Chennai then definitely they will not be able to answer that question very well, until and unless they have experienced the shifting with them.

Local Packers And Movers Chennai @ When you generally pick up some of the common people and ask them that how you can trust #Packers and #Movers #Chennai then definitely they will not be able to answer that question very well, until and unless they have experienced the shifting with them. Such like that only there are many a people who are unaware about @ Packers and Movers Chennai like how do they work? What are their policies? And people are satisfied with them or not? People do not know about all these things only because of the lack of knowledge, and this knowledge will only be updated when more advertisement will be made by Packers and Movers Chennai, but they do not believe in that they just want to complete their work with satisfaction of the customer and they do not want to make publicity about their business. This is a great thinking but at least the people from Chennai who are living at that place should have enough knowledge about that com

Strawberries are quick frozen at a rate of 6500 kg/h. The fruit enters the freezer at a temperature of 15°C and is frozen to a final temperature of -20°C. Calculate the rate of heat removal per hour.

Strawberries are quick frozen at a rate of 6500 kg/h. The fruit enters the freezer at a temperature of 15°C and is frozen to a final temperature of -20°C. Calculate the rate of heat removal per hour. Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team at CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Middle Adulthood and Mid-life Crisis) and (Living Old: A Frontline Documentary

  Developmental Psychology   Health Psychology   Journal of Counseling Psychology   Journal of Family Psychology   Journal of Personality and Social Psychology   Journal of Counseling & Development   Counseling & Clinical Psychology Journal   Journal of College Counseling   Journal of Mental Health Counseling   Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology   Journal of Clinical Child Psychology   Journal of Clinical Psychology   Journal of Multicultural Counseling & Development   International Journal for the Psychology of Religion   Journal of Individual Psychology   Journal of Social Psychology   Psychology and Aging   Psychology of Religion and Spirituality   Journal of College Counseling Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team at CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Developmental Psychology

***Please note that I am using this book ((lifespan development 7th edition boyd )) this book must be one of the 3 sources you will use for this essay. Please read the discussion guidelines carefully. Instructions Overview The purpose of this assignment is to further your understanding of late adulthood. Instructions Use the Essay Rubric to guide your essay writing. Please watch the Ted Talk Seeking Immortality What do you think about the biologist’s claim that aging is a problem society needs to address?  Do you agree or disagree and why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of developing ways to slow aging or repairing the damage of developmentally normal aging?  What are the ethical concerns?  What might the consequences be, both positive and negative, for a culture that pursues the slowing of aging? How might such pursuits impact this stage of development according to the theories we have studied? *****please see the (((Essay Guidelines))) Students must submit

Emergency Preparedness Guide for Assisted Living

Instructions Emergency Preparedness Guide for Assisted Living Your long-term care facility has asked you as a member of human resources to join the company team to create an Emergency Preparedness Guide for your Assisted Living facility. 1.    You are asked to explain the emergency operations plan as part of Emergency Preparedness Guide for an Assisted Living facility. Explain these operations. What is the action strategy to be taken to maintain resident care in the facility and to limit the movement of residents, staff and visitors in order to protect people and property from a hazard? Who will be onsite to ensure the strategy is implemented? 2.    Access the planning process as part of Emergency Preparedness Guide for an Assisted Living facility. What does the planning process as part of an Emergency Preparedness Guide for an Assisted Living facility look like for your facility? Who at your facility needs to be involved? 3.    Provide a Shelter in Place plan for your facil

Describe the frequency in the population by determining the population at risk for heart disease by gender and age.

Describe the frequency in the population by determining the population at risk for heart disease by gender and age. Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team at CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Why is it important to keep family and the media aware of the Emergency Preparedness plan at your facility? Give an example of how a facility was prepared for their emergency.

(200 words and Refrences) Why is it important to keep family and the media aware of the Emergency Preparedness plan at your facility? Give an example of how a facility was prepared for their emergency. Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team at CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Locate and read 10-20 journal articles published since 2009 relating to human factors and work performance and or healthcare quality and safety

Locate and read 10-20 journal articles published since 2009 relating to human factors and work performance and or healthcare quality and safety In this assessment you are required to: 1. Locate and read 10-20 journal articles published since 2009 relating to human factors and work performance and or healthcare quality and safety 2. As you read these articles take notes identifying the human factors that influence work performance and specifically how these factors influence work performance and in particular the performance of health care workers. Critical appraisal of the literature is: ” a process of carefully and systematically examining research to judge its trustworthiness, value and relevance in a particular context” (Buris, 2009). In terms of critically appraising the literature for the purposes of this assessment you need to ask yourself these questions when you are reading the papers: •Is the paper published within the timeframe required i.e. after 2009 •Is the paper f

Identify an issue. It can be anything that pertains to human resources.

Identify an issue. It can be anything that pertains to human resources. Identify an issue. It can be anything that pertains to human resources. It can be from the textbook, an incident at work, something from the internet, or something in the news. You select the topic. Describe the circumstances and frame your topic. Include a reference page Take a position. You can agree or disagree. You can take a position that what happened was right or wrong, good or bad, or should have been handled that way or not. Defend your position. Why do you feel your position is correct and accurate? Discuss the opposing view. Why would someone disagree with you? What would their reasoning be? Summarize and conclude your paper. The post Identify an issue. It can be anything that pertains to human resources. appeared first on Ink Essays. Identify an issue. It can be anything that pertains to human resources. Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER

Pick one of these for the question below: Human resource controls

Pick one of these for the question below: Human resource controls Pick one of these for the question below: Human resource controls Establishment of Responsibility Segregation of Duties Documentation Procedures Independent Internal Verification Physical Controls Brief Exercise 7-6 Tott Company has the following internal control procedures over cash disbursements. Identify the internal control principle that is applicable to each procedure. (a) Company checks are prenumbered (b) The bank statement is reconciled monthly by an internal auditor. (c) lank checks are stored in a safe in the treasurer’s office, (d) only the treasurer or assistant treasurer may sign checks. (e) check-signers are not allowed to record cash disbursement transactions. The post Pick one of these for the question below: Human resource controls appeared first on Ink Essays. Pick one of these for the question below: Human resource controls Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team .

A change in human resources can have a major impact on businesses and our daily lives. List two demographic changes that will occur in the future.

A change in human resources can have a major impact on businesses and our daily lives. List two demographic changes that will occur in the future. A change in human resources can have a major impact on businesses and our daily lives. List two demographic changes that will occur in the future. Provide an example for each change, and describe how these changes will transform American business and affect the American workforce. There are many reasons for changes to be made to our plans to reach our goals in life. In this instance, consider how macroeconomics and microeconomics impact our daily lives. Describe two economic examples of issues that affect our decision-making processes and that may change our quality of life. Government interaction has a major impact on businesses and personal lives. Identify two government policies that influence our business environment and the American citizen. Provide an example for each policy to support your answer. The post A change in human resour