Developmental Psychology

***Please note that I am using this book ((lifespan development 7th edition boyd )) this book must be one of the 3 sources you will use for this essay. Please read the discussion guidelines carefully.

The purpose of this assignment is to further your understanding of late adulthood.
Use the Essay Rubric to guide your essay writing.

Please watch the Ted Talk Seeking Immortality

What do you think about the biologist’s claim that aging is a problem society needs to address?  Do you agree or disagree and why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of developing ways to slow aging or repairing the damage of developmentally normal aging?  What are the ethical concerns?  What might the consequences be, both positive and negative, for a culture that pursues the slowing of aging? How might such pursuits impact this stage of development according to the theories we have studied?

*****please see the (((Essay Guidelines)))

Students must submit a substantial, detailed, and well-thought-out 1000-word essay for modules 2-5. Essays will require you to show a clear comprehension of the material covered in the module in addition to a clear and thorough evaluation of that material. These essays will be submitted in the Assignment folder. Please be aware that all assignment submissions will be checked for plagiarism.

Each essay must include a thesis statement in the opening paragraph and reference page at the end. Please see the Course Schedule in the Syllabus to determine when the essays for each module are due.

All essays must use Times New Roman 12 point or Verdana 10 point font, be double-spaced, have 1" margins, and include a total word count (not including the reference page at the end). You must use and reference at least three different academic sources, two of which must come from an academic, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal (see the following list of acceptable journals). If you use a website, please make sure that it is high quality, scholarly, well-cited, and well-researched before referencing it. Wikipedia or similar references will not be accepted.

Students must use APA style to cite within the body of the essay and for the references listed at the end of the essay. Review the APA style guide provided on the Purdue Owl Website at

Acceptable journals include:

  Developmental Psychology

  Health Psychology

  Journal of Counseling Psychology

  Journal of Family Psychology

  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

  Journal of Counseling & Development

  Counseling & Clinical Psychology Journal

  Journal of College Counseling

  Journal of Mental Health Counseling

  Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology

  Journal of Clinical Child Psychology

  Journal of Clinical Psychology

  Journal of Multicultural Counseling & Development

  International Journal for the Psychology of Religion

  Journal of Individual Psychology

  Journal of Social Psychology

  Psychology and Aging

  Psychology of Religion and Spirituality

  Journal of College Counseling


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