Develop 5 key success factors for their industry, whether it be RSO, non-profit, etc

Develop 5 key success factors for their industry, whether it be RSO, non-profit, etc

Save the World Project Title Page: Name of Organization you are helping, student name 1. brief overview of what the organization does. 2. Develop 5 key success factors for their industry, whether it be RSO, non-profit, etc. 3. use the ansoff matrix/growth strategy model to come up with 12 ways they could raise more money or offer more services/help to their customers or others in their community 4. do a SWOT analysis on the firm and give them recommendations on how to improve their strengths, fix their weaknesses, seize the opportunities and prepare for threats. 5. look over their webpage and social media and give them constructive criticism on how to improve their online presense.

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Develop 5 key success factors for their industry, whether it be RSO, non-profit, etc



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