What is one barrier that you have encountered or anticipate may occur with the implementation of EBP and what are some solutions to overcome that barrier?

What is one barrier that you have encountered or anticipate may occur with the implementation of EBP and what are some solutions to overcome that barrier?

Please write responses to each of the 3 questions listed below for Module 4 Discussion Board:
Chapter 2 deals with using research as evidence both for personal practice and for changing practice in specific settings using evidence based practice (EBP) models. Think about barriers that are associated with implementation of EBP either individually or at a unit /systems level. Please discuss the following:
1) What is one barrier that you have encountered or anticipate may occur with the implementation of EBP and what are some solutions to overcome that barrier?
Chapter 1 and 3 included information about the differences and similarities between quantitative and qualitative research methods. Consider the information and discuss the following.
2) Think about the positivist versus constructivist paradigm. From which perspective do you view the world? Why? How could this influence your research in your practice setting?
3) Prior to taking this course when reading research were you able to get a sense of the ethical aspects of the research? As you look at Chapter 7, particularly Box 7.3, the known aspects of Institutional Review Board (IRB) and safeguarding participants are included. Speak to how, when reading a research study, you will now be more aware of thinking about 1) vulnerable groups inclusion as well as 2) which groups were omitted with or without a justifiable rationale being included.
Answer all 4 questions.

The book is Undertanding Pathophysiology 6th edition by Huether McCanece.

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What is one barrier that you have encountered or anticipate may occur with the implementation of EBP and what are some solutions to overcome that barrier?



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