Read “Differentiating Statistical Significance and Clinical Significance.” a. Write a 175-word reflection comparing and contrasting statistical significance and clinical significance

Read “Differentiating Statistical Significance and Clinical Significance.” a. Write a 175-word reflection comparing and contrasting statistical significance and clinical significance

1. Read “Differentiating Statistical Significance and Clinical Significance.”
a. Write a 175-word reflection comparing and contrasting statistical significance and clinical significance.
b. Provide APA-formatted in-text citations and references for all sources cited

2. Data collection and analysis is an essential part of quality research outcomes. This activity will introduce you to two tools for analyzing data: SPSS and NVivo.
i. IBM SPSS predictive analytics software is one of the most common software packages used to collect complex numerical data and analyze it for decision-making inferences.
ii. Watch at least one demo video from the IBM Big Data and Analytics web page to see how health care organizations use SPSS to synthesize data.
iii. Explore the QSR International website to learn more about the NVivo qualitative data analysis computer software.
iv. As you watch the videos and review the websites, think about how you or your organization could use these tools.
b. Write a 175-word reflection on your findings.

3. Qualitative data analysis can be very time-consuming and challenging due to its subjective nature.
a. Based on your Nursing Research readings, write a 150-word reflection of your views on how to maintain objectivity in qualitative data analysis.

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Read “Differentiating Statistical Significance and Clinical Significance.” a. Write a 175-word reflection comparing and contrasting statistical significance and clinical significance



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