Imagine you are out for coffee with Harriett Martineau and Karl Marx. After a few coffees, Marx throws out the following provocation: “Capitalism is changing the material circumstances of our lives

Imagine you are out for coffee with Harriett Martineau and Karl Marx. After a few coffees, Marx throws out the following provocation: “Capitalism is changing the material circumstances of our lives

SOCB42H3 – Classical Theory 1
Summer 2019
Professor: Katelin Albert
Writing Assignment
Both Martineau and Karl Marx had theories of i) how best to study society (where to look) ii)
progress, and iii) equity.
Imagine you are out for coffee with Harriett Martineau and Karl Marx. After a few coffees, Marx throws out the following provocation: “Capitalism is changing the material circumstances of our lives! If we are to have progress and equality, the workers need to revolt! We need to change
class relations!” After a long pause, Martineau takes a deep breath and responds to Marx. What
do you think she would say to Marx? What would Marx say back to her? What might they agree
or disagree on?
Write a persuasive essay articulating how Martineau would respond to Marx’s challenge, and
how Marx would answer Martineau.
In your essay, be sure to 1) briefly explain Marx and Martineau’s beliefs about how society will
have progress and equality, 2) make an argument, grounded in her writings (and lecture material),
about how Martineau would respond to Marx’s arguments, and 3) make an argument, grounded
in his writings, about how Marx would reply to Martineau’s points.
Essays are due on QUERCUS on Tuesday, May 28, 9:00 am (though, I suggest submitting it
the Thursday before if you can).
Write a 6-7 page persuasive essay that addresses the above questions. Type your responses using
double-spaced Times New Roman, 12-point font. USE 1inch (2.54 cm) margins! Use ASA
referencing system. DO NOT PLAGARIZE! Failure to correctly paraphrase or use in-text
citation is a form of plagiarism.
Your essay should focus on making and defending arguments about the texts and ideas rather
than summarizing their contents. Strive for strong introductions, coherent paragraphs, and fullystated claims.
You may only draw on course readings and lecture content/material (cite lecture/class notes).
You should NOT refer to any sources other than those we have read in class.
Marks are based on the following criteria:
– Clarity of writing, with a clear introductory thesis statement, body, and conclusion statement.
– Clarity in comparing the two authors and their thoughts and arguments.
– Clarity in identifying and summarizing the important ideas and arguments of the two authors.
– Clarity of engagement and full explanation of the significance of your ideas and thoughts about
the readings
• An adequate answer is little more than a summary, only points out basic or topical aspects
of the authors, or only discusses personal experience with the topic.
• A good answer offers a brief summary of the authors’ goals, discusses similarities and
differences between the authors, or discusses what topics and ideas arise from these
• An excellent answer offers a brief summary of the authors’ goals, discusses similarities
and differences between the authors — shows thoughtfulness in how the authors fit
together, and/or where they do not. An excellent paper uses the original readings as
evidence. An excellent paper might discuss why these differences matter, why they exist
in the first place, or why they are significant sociologically. An excellent answer may link
the authors together or ideas from previous weeks to discuss how the ideas are related,
and why this matters. Concepts are clearly defined, linked where appropriate.
Demonstrates solid understanding of the major themes from the class, using readings and
lectures to engage the comparison.

The post Imagine you are out for coffee with Harriett Martineau and Karl Marx. After a few coffees, Marx throws out the following provocation: “Capitalism is changing the material circumstances of our lives appeared first on Ink Essays.

Imagine you are out for coffee with Harriett Martineau and Karl Marx. After a few coffees, Marx throws out the following provocation: “Capitalism is changing the material circumstances of our lives



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