What are the most prudent decisions Avionics Inc. can make about its responsibilities to itself and others?

What are the most prudent decisions Avionics Inc. can make about its responsibilities to itself and others?

3.4 Discussion: Workplace Ethics

Due Date: 12 May

1) Answer the following questions taken from the Ethics in Business Research chapter of your Business Research Methods textbook:

a) What are the most prudent decisions Avionics Inc. can make about its responsibilities to itself and others?
b) What are the implications of those decisions even if there is no violation of law or regulation?

2) Write one-page brief description of the problem, including the above information.

Chapter 4 – Ethics in Business Research [Business Research Methods 12th Edition]
Google Drive link: http://bit.ly/2XVDFWS

Chapter 7 – Normal Distribution [Lane, D.M. (n. p.). Online statistics education A multimedia course of study. Rice University.]
Google Drive link: http://bit.ly/2GPWmFE

Human Subject Research Policy PDF

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What are the most prudent decisions Avionics Inc. can make about its responsibilities to itself and others?



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