In this paper, please examine gender roles, gender in relation to treatment and behavior in society, feminity and masculinity, Crossdressing in two or more of these plays- The Roaring Girl, The Comedy of Errors

In this paper, please examine gender roles, gender in relation to treatment and behavior in society, feminity and masculinity, Crossdressing in two or more of these plays- The Roaring Girl, The Comedy of Errors

This paper is for my Advanced English Renaissance Comedy class and worth half of my grade.
In this paper, please examine gender roles, gender in relation to treatment and behavior in society, feminity and masculinity, Crossdressing in two or more of these plays- The Roaring Girl, The Comedy of Errors, Galatea, Epicene…etc. I find it very interesting how all of these writers play with gender in these plays, and how Crossdressing/disguise highlights the difference between feminine and masculine identity and the difference in behavior and treatment when these female heriones are disguised as men.

I found this thesis while researching and I believe it is the direction I am trying to go with this paper-

I will send more essays like this as I find them.

My essay proposal isn’t yet finalized so I will continuously send more information to you, as my professor gets back me. Until then, you can do research and find secondary sources that relate to gender in these plays.

Here are the instructions-

10-12 double-spaced pages
For your final paper for this course, you will write a 10-12 double-spaced page paper on a topic
of your own formulation. As with your first essay, your goal for this final paper should be to
build upon our class discussions to say something new about the text(s) of your choice.
Throughout the essay, your argument should be bolstered by close engagement with the language
and structure of your text(s), and the essay, as a whole, should have a clear organizing structure.
You will also need to engage in this essay with at least two secondary articles or book chapters, which may take literary critical, historical, or theoretical approaches. One may be an article assigned this semester; you will need to select the other.
You should approach your written engagement with these sources in much the way we have
done so during our discussions: you may use someone else’s claims to support your own; you
may disagree with someone’s particular reading of a text; or you may find it helpful to explain
what a particular approach glosses over or misses that yours does not. No matter how you choose
to engage with these sources, you should be sure that you are representing the argument fairly,
whether through the direct quotations you select or your own paraphrases. If you are new to
incorporating secondary sources into your own work, and/or you want to talk more about how to
do so effectively, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Finally, please also include a Works Cited page at the end of your paper with your primary and
secondary sources listed.

The post In this paper, please examine gender roles, gender in relation to treatment and behavior in society, feminity and masculinity, Crossdressing in two or more of these plays- The Roaring Girl, The Comedy of Errors appeared first on Ink Essays.

In this paper, please examine gender roles, gender in relation to treatment and behavior in society, feminity and masculinity, Crossdressing in two or more of these plays- The Roaring Girl, The Comedy of Errors



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