For this learning module, you will be imagining what the outcomes of an assessment project look like in the form of an assessment report. It is recommended that you try to work with your Assessment Project and Presentation

For this learning module, you will be imagining what the outcomes of an assessment project look like in the form of an assessment report. It is recommended that you try to work with your Assessment Project and Presentation

Learning Activity: Design an Assessment Report(Instructions)

Assessment Reports are like the dashboard of a car…
• They give you a quick look at how a learning activity is performing.
• They are created to signal the need for adjustments or changes to the learning activity or environment.
• They indicate performance levels in brief, summarized format.

For this learning module, you will be imagining what the outcomes of an assessment project look like in the form of an assessment report. It is recommended that you try to work with your Assessment Project and Presentation (You will find PowerPoint attached) and create a report that might exist upon the completion of your Assessment Project.
Assessment reports take many forms: memos, reports, infographics, handouts, forms, webpage or social media graphics, etc. You can choose the form of your assessment report as long as it includes the required components listed below.
Requirement #1 Audience/Purpose/Dissemination: The assessment report should be tailored for a specific audience with apurpose such as justifying a resource request, gaining support for a program/activity, accountability and compliance, etc. Your report should include this information in some form for the reader and should include how the report is being disseminating.
Requirement #2 Description of the Assessment: The assessment report should have information about the assessment completed: the learner, the learning objectives, and the learning activity.
Requirement #3 Data and How It Was Collected: The assessment report should include data collected during an assessment project (this will probably be “pretend” data as you would imagine it upon completion of your assessment that is attached) and information about how it was collected. Any of the methods used can be data collection sources (example: Surveys). You can also choose to use more than one type of data in your report. For example, you might use an objective test combined with case study narratives to give your audience both quantitative and qualitative components.
Requirement #4 Graphics: The assessment report should have at least two graphiccomponents (charts, infographics, visuals, etc.) to highlight elements of your assessment.
Requirement #5 What You Learned and How It Will Be Used: The assessment report should summarize your findings from the assessment activity and how it will be used to modify future activities, support improved student learning, and other continuous improvement purposes.
Your assessment report should be approximately 1-2 pages in length. Your overall design is important. Do not just write about the 5 areas above, place them into the report in a manner that makes sense for your audience, is visually appealing, and easy to read. Imagine your audience and how this report would look in a professional educational setting.

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For this learning module, you will be imagining what the outcomes of an assessment project look like in the form of an assessment report. It is recommended that you try to work with your Assessment Project and Presentation



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