For this assignment, you will create a newsletter for public health professionals with an interest in a specific public health issue. The newsletter must address that issue and include information about how to reach diverse stakeholders

For this assignment, you will create a newsletter for public health professionals with an interest in a specific public health issue. The newsletter must address that issue and include information about how to reach diverse stakeholders

Economics and Health Determinants
Laws and regulations should exist, where appropriate, as a part of broader strategies to promote safety and well-being in relation to public health. Laws creating nutrition programs, labeling laws and mandated warning are a few examples of laws designed to encourage a healthier lifestyle. Laws that target food and nutrition are just a part of the equation. Other laws include regulations that require school-age children to be vaccinated or motorists to wear seat belts. These are all part of a broader effort to promote safer and healthier behaviors. Laws that levy taxes on products such as foods with high sugar content or tobacco products also have been used to deter unhealthy behaviors. Programs such as those to help low-income areas get help to access healthier foods can also be useful.

Use Public Health Policy: Issues, Theories, and Advocacy to read the following:

Chapter 14, “Taxes, Politics, and Public Health Policy: A Look Back at the 2008 Presidential Campaign,” pages 327–352.
Use the Capella University Library to read the following:

Husereau, D., Culyer, A. J., Neumann, P., & Jacobs, P. (2015). How do economic evaluations inform health policy decisions for treatment and prevention in Canada and the United States? Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 13(3), 273–279.
Mosquera, I., Gonzalez-Rabago, Y., Bacigalupe, A., & Suhrcke, M. (2016). The impact of fiscal policies on the socioeconomic determinants of health: A structured review. International Journal of Health Services, 47(2), 189–206.
Use the Internet to review the following website:

University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. (2018). County health rankings: What’s new for 2018. Retrieved from;_source=hs_email&utm;_medium=email&utm;_content=61632706&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-__7Jif-DMxpN4yhjjrAGdMmTK6SGRuUv9nolCPQY5NBnK_OkDYVyIyPLFrdM7k0xJWyu17qN5zJti-9y5OjPZI1v9kvw&_hsmi=61632706‹
You may want to review the following web resources for possible use in the assignment in this unit:

Microsoft. (2018). Newsletters. Retrieved from
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (2018). Healthy people. Retrieved from

Learning Components
This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

Identify best practices for health professionals for promoting health.

Public Health Communications
For this assignment, you will create a newsletter for public health professionals with an interest in a specific public health issue. The newsletter must address that issue and include information about how to reach diverse stakeholders. These stakeholders may include educators, government officials, clinicians, patients, and others. Stakeholders may be diverse in background and literacy. This assignment can be approached from a clinical, administrative, academic, or research focus, but it should aim to inform, influence, and motivate behavior and policy.

Visit the Healthy People website and select one of the leading health indicators (LHI) from the site. Develop a newsletter related to this leading health indicator.

In the newsletter, do the following:

Discuss the history of the topic, including trends and primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention.
Analyze the role of health professionals in promoting health, including how health professionals’ roles could be increased.
Evaluate how globalization affects global burdens of disease as it relates to this indicator.
Analyze the effects of environmental factors on a population’s health as it relates to this indicator.
Evaluate communication strategies for communicating about this public health issue.
Explain how you would determine the most effective communication channel for various audience segments.
You may use a Microsoft newsletter template to complete this project if desired.

The newsletter will be graded on content, subject relevance to behavior and policy, grammar, spelling, appearance, graphics, and color use.

Review the scoring guide before developing and submitting your assignment to ensure you meet all evaluation criteria.

Additional Requirements
Your assignment should also meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Written communication is free from errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Your paper should demonstrate the current APA style and formatting.
Number of resources: Include a minimum of three resources, appropriately cited throughout your newsletter and in your reference list.
Suggested length: A minimum of four typed and double-spaced pages, not including the title page, reference list, or appendices.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

Public Health Communications Scoring Guide.

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For this assignment, you will create a newsletter for public health professionals with an interest in a specific public health issue. The newsletter must address that issue and include information about how to reach diverse stakeholders



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