In his “Personal Narrative” Jonathan Edwards writes of a sacramental world in which supernatural energies are present in the natural world and are in complete control of human fate

In his “Personal Narrative” Jonathan Edwards writes of a sacramental world in which supernatural energies are present in the natural world and are in complete control of human fate

In his “Personal Narrative” Jonathan Edwards writes of a sacramental world in which supernatural energies are present in the natural world and are in complete control of human fate. In “The Way to Wealth,” Benjamin Franklin also recognizes the influence of divine energies on human life and suggests that individuals largely shape their own fate through their own discipline and rational decisions.

(Keeping the above paragraph in mind and focusing your essay sharply on “Young Goodman Brown,” does Hawthorne’s short story more fully suggest a world closer to Edwards’s vision (in which individual human beings are without control of their own fate—pawns of powerful supernatural forces) or a world closer to Franklin’s sensibility, in which people largely create their own fate through their own individual decisions. In other words, Young Goodman Brown’s “dying hour was gloom.” Does Hawthorne more fully suggest that Brown created that gloom through his own decisions or that he was driven to that gloom by powerful supernatural forces? Be sure your essay responds in some way to the possibility that Young Goodman’s Brown’s experience in the forest might have been a dream.)

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In his “Personal Narrative” Jonathan Edwards writes of a sacramental world in which supernatural energies are present in the natural world and are in complete control of human fate



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