For this assignment, I want you to conduct a deep analysis of a piece of music of your choice. Utilizing terminology from class, describe what musically occurs in the composition

For this assignment, I want you to conduct a deep analysis of a piece of music of your choice. Utilizing terminology from class, describe what musically occurs in the composition

SONG ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT Due Wednesday, February 27th by class time
For this assignment, I want you to conduct a deep analysis of a piece of music of your choice. Utilizing terminology from class, describe what musically occurs in the composition. Your essay should be your observation of the particular song and has to be written by you. If you would like to use some quotations you must name the source where did you get it from and who wrote it. You may use quotation just as a part of the sentence, not a full paragraph or several sentences one after another. Quotation usage without acknowledgment of the source and the name of the writer is considered as the perjury and it will not be tolerated.
Address key musical elements such as:
• Can you recognize the form? (A, B, A, or if there is any new section you need to use another letter). If it is a vocal-instrumental song what would be an appropriate form: strophic form – the same music for each of the stanza, through – composed form – new music for the each of the stanza. If it is chorus – verses form describe the melodic differences or variations in between each of the verses and choruses.
• First divide the song into sections using letters A, B…bridge, intro etc. (No minutes and seconds). Then describe the following elements that could happen in each of the section.
• Instrumentation (what instruments/voices do you hear and how do they interact with one another?). Do you hear imitations in between instruments or voices?
• In which part of the song appropriate texture occurs (monophonic, homophonic or polyphonic)
• Rhythm and meter (Is meter duple, triple or quadruple? Are any beat(s) particularly emphasized? Do you hear any accented note or syncopated rhythm in the section of the song?)
• Describe dynamics in the song using appropriate terminology (piano – soft, mezzo forte – moderately loud, forte – loud.
• What is the tempo?
• What is the timbre and register of the vocalist?
• If your piece has lyrics, you may want to address how the lyrics relate to the music, such as the a song being in a minor key to reflect the somber tone of the lyrics, or major key when you have an upbeat lively song. Do the dynamics getting louder as the singer addresses more agitating subject matter. Do you hear any particularly, important words emphasized.
• Where and in which part of the song is the climax?
• You may also include your personal reactions to the song, such as why you find the piece to be of interest, but you need to be specific with your reasoning. This should be the least important part of your paper.
Assignment Guidelines
• At least 1.5 full pages in length (not including header material, i.e. name, date, class, etc.)
• Double spaced with 1 inch margins and 12 point Times New Roman font (not Arial, Courier New, etc.)
• Written about one piece of music (popular and classical pieces are both acceptable)
• Uses terminology from class (instrumentation, texture, rhythm, dynamics, tempo, form, etc.) in analyzing the piece of music
• May be submitted only in a hard copy form. Printed out, in class. Due Wednesday, February 27th by class time

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For this assignment, I want you to conduct a deep analysis of a piece of music of your choice. Utilizing terminology from class, describe what musically occurs in the composition



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