Engages and “hooks” reader. Demonstrates merit/impact of research, gives a succinct overview of paper topics and guides the reader to specific research purpose and question. Previews format and content of the paper.

Engages and “hooks” reader. Demonstrates merit/impact of research, gives a succinct overview of paper topics and guides the reader to specific research purpose and question. Previews format and content of the paper.

Engages and “hooks” reader. Demonstrates merit/impact of research, gives a succinct overview of paper topics and guides the reader to specific research purpose and question. Previews format and content of the paper.

Engages and “hooks” reader. Demonstrates merit/impact of research, gives a succinct overview of paper topics and guides the reader to specific research purpose and question. Previews format and content of the paper. Supporting literature cited appropriately and condensed into broad categories.

-Relevant and supporting academic literature is organized into broad categories, with specific sections and sub-sections if needed. Single-focused paragraphs. Supporting images/tables/figures used appropriately to effectively communicate theory/construct/concept/model. Key terms are defined using clear and objective language. Literature review guides the reader to specific research purpose and question (start broad and narrow down).

-Appropriate quantitative and/or qualitative methodology selected, with supporting literature cited to provide background and reasoning for choosing the method. The methodology is described using appropriate terminology and is capable of measuring or answering the research question. Variables are clearly stated and clearly defined. Target population, sample frame, and sampling method are clearly described. The reasoning for the method clearly described.

-Succinctly and engagingly restates main points from the literature review and methodology sections. Reflects introduction section, and states research purpose and question.

-Appropriate instrument selected for methodology and research question/hypothesis. The instrument will be able to collect data relevant to the research question/hypothesis. Independent and dependent variables assessed logically and clearly. The instrument has little to no extraneous variables or data collected.

The post Engages and “hooks” reader. Demonstrates merit/impact of research, gives a succinct overview of paper topics and guides the reader to specific research purpose and question. Previews format and content of the paper. appeared first on Ink Essays.

Engages and “hooks” reader. Demonstrates merit/impact of research, gives a succinct overview of paper topics and guides the reader to specific research purpose and question. Previews format and content of the paper.



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