Just to give you an idea about my artistic practice. I am a Dj, Music Producer, and composer. I am majoring in Electroacoustic studies In Concordia University

Just to give you an idea about my artistic practice. I am a Dj, Music Producer, and composer. I am majoring in Electroacoustic studies In Concordia University

As a first assignment this semester in my fine arts class, we are to choose a keyword that relates to our artistic interest and explain it in 500-700 words.
I would like my keyword to be “Experimental”, but I am also open to suggestions for any other keywords you would prefer to write about.

Just to give you an idea about my artistic practice. I am a Dj, Music Producer, and composer. I am majoring in Electroacoustic studies In Concordia University.

All types of Electroacoustic music may be considered by the general people as an experimental type of music. As for Electroacousticians, not everything is considered experimental.
My main focus is writing about how the term “experimental” is seen differently between experts and amateurs in a certain field. The term “experimental” holds profound meaning for the expert.
Because it is a subjective term, when can we agree upon an art form being “Experimental”?

I attached the slides from the related class.you will find the guidelines on the 4th page. The banned words are on page 13.

The post Just to give you an idea about my artistic practice. I am a Dj, Music Producer, and composer. I am majoring in Electroacoustic studies In Concordia University appeared first on Ink Essays.

Just to give you an idea about my artistic practice. I am a Dj, Music Producer, and composer. I am majoring in Electroacoustic studies In Concordia University



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