How does Momaday’s The Way to Rainy Mountain adhere to the myths and tales from Voices of the Winds? How does his writing connect his story to those past myths?

How does Momaday’s The Way to Rainy Mountain adhere to the myths and tales from Voices of the Winds? How does his writing connect his story to those past myths?

English 337: Short Essay 1
Choose one of the following prompts and respond in a 5-6 pageanalytical essay. Your responses should include specific details from the text(s) and may also include other sources.
1) How does Momaday’s The Way to Rainy Mountain adhere to the myths and tales from Voices of the Winds? How does his writing connect his story to those past myths?
2) How does the structure of Momaday’s tale help a non-Native American follow his quest?
3) How do we see Christian influences in both Momaday and Voices?
4) Propose your own subject for an analytical essay for these early voices.
Your essay should use MLA format and include a citation entry.
Due February 8 at the beginning of class.
Submit a hard copy to me in class and an electronic copy to Canvas.
This essay is worth 15% of the course grade.

Guidelines for an effective essay

• A clear purpose and logical organization
• A clear thesis statement that represents your particular view about the subject.
• Completely and logically developed paragraphs that develop the thesis
• Effective integration of the quotations from the texts into the essay
• A demonstration of critical reading and thinking
• A clear connection among all parts of the essay
• An appealing introduction and satisfying conclusion
• Strong sentence level writing
• No mechanical, grammatical, formatting, or usage errors

The post How does Momaday’s The Way to Rainy Mountain adhere to the myths and tales from Voices of the Winds? How does his writing connect his story to those past myths? appeared first on Ink Essays.

How does Momaday’s The Way to Rainy Mountain adhere to the myths and tales from Voices of the Winds? How does his writing connect his story to those past myths?



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