Define incidence and prevalence. Compare the incidence and/or prevalence rates at the local, state, and national level

Define incidence and prevalence. Compare the incidence and/or prevalence rates at the local, state, and national level

Please see rubric APA 7 page ( seven references ? 5 scholarly journal article one book ? ISBN ? provided Epidemiology Paper Purpose The Epidemiology paper is an in depth study of a community or population public health problem. The purpose of the papers is for students to demonstrate the fundamental community health skills: Describe the public health problem using appropriate epidemiology statistics and using descriptive epidemiology. Analyze the health problem using epidemiology and theoretical models (including its epidemiology and previously tried solutions) using analytical epidemiology Propose a plan to solve the problem, including all three levels of prevention. Please see rubric APA 7 page ( seven references ? 5 scholarly journal article one book ? ISBN ? provided Epidemiology Paper Purpose The Epidemiology paper is an in depth study of a community or population public health problem. The purpose of the papers is for students to demonstrate the fundamental community health skills: Describe the public health problem using appropriate epidemiology statistics and using descriptive epidemiology. Analyze the health problem using epidemiology and theoretical models (including its epidemiology and previously tried solutions) using analytical epidemiology Propose a plan to solve the problem, including all three levels of prevention. Discuss evidence-based recommendations for decreasing or elimination the problem Please review the Epidemiology Scholarly Paper Rubric below for detailed explanations of what is to be discussed and included for each section and points assigned. NOTE: You must receive at least a 24% originality report for the paper to be graded. Please give yourself enough time. See Syllabus for more detailed information. Grading Rubric for this assignment (7 ? 8 pages excluding the Title Page and Reference Page)?APA Paper Epidemiology Topic ?Smoking ( APA paper ) ( This course is community health nursing- graduate level ) Please must citation and five scholar journal ..see attached article and use other scholar article as needed ) Points Possible Introduction Introductory paragraph that includes: – General introduction of paper – Selected epi problem – Purpose of the paper (what you plan to write about/discuss) 10 Descriptive Epidemiology Discuss: Using a descriptive epidemiology approach discussed in your textbook, describe the problem in terms of a) person, b) place, and c) time, incorporating factors from your textbook to describe the problem, and clearly differentiating between the three terms.( please type in Google descriptive epidemiology then choose Descriptive epidemiology pattern of disease person, place and time chapter 4 ) text book ISBN ? 9780323100946.. chapter 9 ,page no 164) please use citation of this book please here . 10 Incidence and Prevalence Define incidence and prevalence. Compare the incidence and/or prevalence rates at the local, state, and national level. Hints -( Please discuss National level ? United States, State ? Colorado, Local ? Denver county ) 10 Identify and describe: Healthy objectives objective numbers relating to your epi issue. NOTE: You can find Healthy objectives at the web site: At this site, click the 2020 Topics and Objectives. Click the areas for which you want to find objectives.( Please discuss United States and Colorado state)Please review the Epidemiology Scholarly Paper Rubric below for detailed explanations of what is to be discussed and included for each section and points assigned. NOTE: You must receive at least a 24% originality report for the paper to be graded. Please give yourself enough time. See Syllabus for more detailed information. Grading Rubric for this assignment (7 ? 8 pages excluding the Title Page and Reference Page)?APA Paper Epidemiology Topic ?Smoking ( APA paper ) ( This course is community health nursing- graduate level ) Please must citation and five scholar journal ..see attached article and use other scholar article as needed ) Points Possible Introduction Introductory paragraph that includes: – General introduction of paper – Selected epi problem – Purpose of the paper (what you plan to write about/discuss) 10 Descriptive Epidemiology Discuss: Using a descriptive epidemiology approach discussed in your textbook, describe the problem in terms of a) person, b) place, and c) time, incorporating factors from your textbook to describe the problem, and clearly differentiating between the three terms.( please type in Google descriptive epidemiology then choose Descriptive epidemiology pattern of disease person, place and time chapter 4 ) text book ISBN ? 9780323100946.. chapter 9 ,page no 164) please use citation of this book please here . 10 Incidence and Prevalence Define incidence and prevalence. Compare the incidence and/or prevalence rates at the local, state, and national level. Hints -( Please discuss National level ? United States, State ? Colorado, Local ? Denver county ) 10 Identify and describe: Healthy objectives objective numbers relating to your epi issue. NOTE: You can find Healthy objectives at the web site: At this site, click the 2020 Topics and Objectives. Click the areas for which you want to find objectives.( Please discuss United States and Colorado state)

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Define incidence and prevalence. Compare the incidence and/or prevalence rates at the local, state, and national level



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