Describe the new initiative and why it is important (e.g.: a reorganization, a new product, maybe a new technology, etc.)

Describe the new initiative and why it is important (e.g.: a reorganization, a new product, maybe a new technology, etc.)

Convincing others to buy into an idea, a product, or an initiative requires listening and communicating effectively.
Scenario: Your company has developed a new initiative and you are tasked with gathering buy-in from your team, as well as learning if they have any objections to this initiative.
• Describe the new initiative and why it is important (e.g.: a reorganization, a new product, maybe a new technology, etc.)
• Draft three (3) questions for your team designed to gain buy-in and support of this new initiative
• How will you know if your questioning was effective?
Your team needs to know they have a voice; how will you let your team know you are listening to them and that their opinion matters?

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Describe the new initiative and why it is important (e.g.: a reorganization, a new product, maybe a new technology, etc.)



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