Briefly describe the importance of in the government or non-profit organization.

Briefly describe the importance of in the government or non-profit organization.

The term whistle blower was originated by consumer advocate Ralph Nader to characterize employees who disclosed illegal, immoral, or illegitimate practices by their employers. Since the terror attacks on September 11, 2001, one of the more famous government whistle blowers has been Colleen Rowley, the FBI agent whose letter to Director Robert Mueller about the FBI’s lack of response to possible terrorist threats in the U.S. led to a storm of criticism of the bureau’s management. Rowley asked for federal whistle-blower protection in her memo because she feared that she would be terminated. This Discussion focuses on whistle blower statutes and whether or not they provide adequate protection from reprisal to employees who make such disclosures.
For this Discussion, review this week’s Resources. Review Chapter 3 of Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations. Focus on legal environment and the legal and ethical codes related to whistle blowing. Review the articles by Blonder, Katel, and Ripley and Sieger. Become familiar with the examples of whistleblowing.
With these thoughts in mind:
Post by Day 4 a description of one of the examples of whistleblowing found in the articles by Katel or Ripley and Sieger. Discuss how you, as a human resource manager, might evaluate the situation and the steps you would take to protect the individual. Briefly describe the importance of in the government or non-profit organization. Finally, explain how the actions of the whistle blower, while perhaps harming an organization, helped to serve the public good.

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Briefly describe the importance of in the government or non-profit organization.



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