
Showing posts from July, 2018

Identify and describe Erikson’s stages of development as each applies to your own personality formation. How did success at one stage prepare you for meeting the next challenge? What do you anticipate for stages you have not yet reached?

Identify and describe Erikson’s stages of development as each applies to your own personality formation. How did success at one stage prepare you for meeting the next challenge? What do you anticipate for stages you have not yet reached? In this third module, we are discussing the human socialization process and how it influences our psychosocial development. After you have read the reading assignment and lecture for the module, please respond to all parts of the discussion Identify and describe Erikson’s stages of development as each applies to your own personality formation. How did success at one stage prepare you for meeting the next challenge? What do you anticipate for stages you have not yet reached? As you progressed through each stage, how did the agents of socialization change as to their level of influence? For any stages you have not yet reached, which agent(s) do you predict will be the most influential? Look in the Argosy University online library and the Internet for

Summarize Bass’ leadership approaches. Summarize the follower-focused leadership theories: servant leadership, authentic leadership, and leader- member exchange (LMX).

Summarize Bass’ leadership approaches. Summarize the follower-focused leadership theories: servant leadership, authentic leadership, and leader- member exchange (LMX). Choose a leader from history whom you admire. Similarly to the Barnes, Humphreys, Oyler, Pane Haden, and Novicevic (2013) article that profiles Jerry Garcia, discuss which leadership style discussed in this unit was employed by your admired leader. Begin with a summary of the approaches and theories discussed in this unit. Be sure to include the following in your essay: Summarize Bass’ leadership approaches. Summarize the follower-focused leadership theories: servant leadership, authentic leadership, and leader- member exchange (LMX). Discuss the concept of leadership and the importance of leadership, and explain why you selected the style you chose for your leader. Discuss the appropriateness or inappropriateness of the style exhibited by the leader you selected. Be sure to follow the guidelines below: Writing

Describe the pollutant chosen and the source of the pollutants. Include both natural and human sources, as applicable.

Describe the pollutant chosen and the source of the pollutants. Include both natural and human sources, as applicable. Pollutants can harm ecosystem function and may also harm human health. You will write an 3 page body APA-style research paper about pollutants, their impacts, and mitigation of harmful effects. Include the following: Select 1 example of an environmental pollutant from the following list: Acid precipitation/ Acid rain Smog DDT pesticide use Eutrophication Answer the following questions about the pollution problem that you chose: Describe the pollutant chosen and the source of the pollutants. Include both natural and human sources, as applicable. Is this a point-source pollutant or nonpoint-source pollutant? Explain. What are the harmful impacts of the pollution? Describe impacts to both humans and to ecosystem structure and function. What steps are in place to eliminate the pollutant or to mitigate harm from the pollutant? Describe examples of laws or regu

Describe a real-world example of an organization that violated OSHA standards and the consequences of the violation.

Describe a real-world example of an organization that violated OSHA standards and the consequences of the violation. In the workplace, employers should create a safe and healthy environment. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was created to ensure this environment. This week’s reading assignment and the M.U.S.E. item OSHA Standards may be helpful in completing this assignment. For this assignment, you will create a report of at least 700 words. You should also research and utilize 2 academic sources in your presentation. In your report, address the following: Summarize the history and purpose of OSHA Provide examples of three OSHA standards and how they are observed in the workplace. Describe a real-world example of an organization that violated OSHA standards and the consequences of the violation. The post Describe a real-world example of an organization that violated OSHA standards and the consequences of the violation. appeared first on Ink Essays. Des

Describe what made WW II so deadly and destructive. Conclude by contrasting the conditions and outlook in Europe in 1918 and 1945.

Describe what made WW II so deadly and destructive. Conclude by contrasting the conditions and outlook in Europe in 1918 and 1945. Describe in detail Nazi economic and social policies from 1933 to 1945. What were the major flaws in the Nazi economy? How did those flaws contribute to the defeat of Germany in 1945? Describe what made WW II so deadly and destructive. Conclude by contrasting the conditions and outlook in Europe in 1918 and 1945. The post Describe what made WW II so deadly and destructive. Conclude by contrasting the conditions and outlook in Europe in 1918 and 1945. appeared first on Ink Essays. Describe what made WW II so deadly and destructive. Conclude by contrasting the conditions and outlook in Europe in 1918 and 1945. Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

What, in your opinion, were the biggest, most damning differences between Native American society/culture and Spanish society/culture?

What, in your opinion, were the biggest, most damning differences between Native American society/culture and Spanish society/culture? What, in your opinion, were the biggest, most damning differences between Native American society/culture and Spanish society/culture? How did Spanish conquest alter Native American ways of life? – Must have 500 words, one page-single space – Chicago Format The post What, in your opinion, were the biggest, most damning differences between Native American society/culture and Spanish society/culture? appeared first on Ink Essays. What, in your opinion, were the biggest, most damning differences between Native American society/culture and Spanish society/culture? Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

What do you think about the inference of a correlation between complexity and progress? How might these ideas have some relevance to how we think about and do History?

What do you think about the inference of a correlation between complexity and progress? How might these ideas have some relevance to how we think about and do History? What do you think about the inference of a correlation between complexity and progress? How might these ideas have some relevance to how we think about and do History? How might the influence of these ideas be seen in our present understanding of our modern world? One page In what way or ways did the shift to agriculture lead to a fundamental change in either relationships among humans (i.e., social complexity) or humanity’s position via-a-vie the natural world. This could be in a positive or negative way (or both). one page The post What do you think about the inference of a correlation between complexity and progress? How might these ideas have some relevance to how we think about and do History? appeared first on Ink Essays. What do you think about the inference of a correlation between complexity and progress?

In what ways, from about 1945 to about 1960, did the U.S. government relate to the Zionist movement and (after 1948) the state of Israel? What factors encouraged Washington to show sympathy for the aspirations of the Zionist movement and the posture of the Israeli government?

In what ways, from about 1945 to about 1960, did the U.S. government relate to the Zionist movement and (after 1948) the state of Israel? What factors encouraged Washington to show sympathy for the aspirations of the Zionist movement and the posture of the Israeli government? write a short paper (3-4 pages, in 12-point, double-spaced type) in answer to one of the following two questions. Be sure to address every element of the question you answer, and to support your arguments with examples drawn from the entire period mentioned in the question. 2. In what ways, from about 1945 to about 1960, did the U.S. government relate to the Zionist movement and (after 1948) the state of Israel? What factors encouraged Washington to show sympathy for the aspirations of the Zionist movement and the posture of the Israeli government? What factors hindered the development of such sympathy? How did the U.S. government attempt to reconcile its policies toward Zionism and Israel with the imperatives o

If you are a criminal justice major, how does recent legalization of marijuana in some states affect local, state, and federal marijuana laws?

If you are a criminal justice major, how does recent legalization of marijuana in some states affect local, state, and federal marijuana laws? Select a policy or piece of legislation that directly impacts your current or future profession (i.e., your major). In your initial post, identify your profession or future profession, define federalism, and then select a specific piece of legislation (Click here for examples) that will directly impact it. Discuss the federalism challenges that the policy you have selected is creating or facing. For example: If you are an education major, how are local, state, and federal government policies affected by the Every Student Succeeds Actor some other piece of education-related legislation? If you are a criminal justice major, how does recent legalization of marijuana in some states affect local, state, and federal marijuana laws? If you are a business major, how does the insurance mandate in the Affordable Care Act affect local, state, and natio

Select a control or display in your environment. Describe and evaluate it with respect to general guidelines for controls or displays. Should it be redesigned?

Select a control or display in your environment. Describe and evaluate it with respect to general guidelines for controls or displays. Should it be redesigned? 1) Select a control or display in your environment. Describe and evaluate it with respect to general guidelines for controls or displays. Should it be redesigned? Your response should be at least 200 words in length. APA format with references and citations. 2) Select a warning label. Evaluate it with respect to general principles for design of warning labels. How could you improve the design? Your response should be at least 200 words in length. APA format with references and citations. The post Select a control or display in your environment. Describe and evaluate it with respect to general guidelines for controls or displays. Should it be redesigned? appeared first on Ink Essays. Select a control or display in your environment. Describe and evaluate it with respect to general guidelines for controls or displays. Shoul

Prepare a narrated presentation, using PowerPoint or other similar software, detailing a bioterrorism-related issue, analyzing the threat(s) that the bioterrorism-related issue poses.

Prepare a narrated presentation, using PowerPoint or other similar software, detailing a bioterrorism-related issue, analyzing the threat(s) that the bioterrorism-related issue poses. According to the Department of Health and Human Services (2002), the nation’s capacity to respond to bioterrorism depends largely on the ability of clinicians and public health officials to detect, manage, and effectively communicate in advance of and during a bioterrorism event. Prepare a narrated presentation, using PowerPoint or other similar software, detailing a bioterrorism-related issue, analyzing the threat(s) that the bioterrorism-related issue poses. In preparation for your presentation, research and review at least one (1) healthcare facility’s preparedness plan. Note: A video to help students record narration for the PowerPoint presentation is available in the course shell. Prepare a twenty (20) slide presentation in which you: Specify the key steps that healthcare managers should follow

What is the duration of the project? How much slack is currently available in the non-critical path?

What is the duration of the project? How much slack is currently available in the non-critical path? In a 1-page Word document, consider the following activities and their durations. The original project schedule, using early activity starts, is shown below. Activity Task Predecessors Duration Activity Cost A Sign Contract None 5 days $5,000 B Design Survey A 3 days $1,500 C Identify Audience A 7 days $1,000 D Run Survey B, C 30 days $6,000 E Analyze Results D 5 days $3,000 F Create Presentation E 5 days $1,000 G Present to Client E, F 2 days $3,000 Reconfigure the chart above into a critical path diagram for project scheduling similar to the diagram shown in this module’s lecture. What is the duration of the project? How much slack is currently available in the non-critical path? How long are the project and feeder buffers? The post What is the duration of the project? How much slack is currently available in the non-critical path? appeared first on Ink Essays. What i

Would you characterize your role as effective? How could you have been a better team member?

Would you characterize your role as effective? How could you have been a better team member? Based on your knowledge from a past or present job, explain the difference between a group and a team. Would you say you were a part of a group or a team while working in that job? Now, identify a team that you were a part of and describe the advantages that you derived from being a member of the team. Include responses to the following: Would you characterize your role as effective? How could you have been a better team member? What role(s) did you or the leader play in making the team effective? How could the leader have made the team more effective? Write your initial response in a minimum of 200–300 words The post Would you characterize your role as effective? How could you have been a better team member? appeared first on Ink Essays. Would you characterize your role as effective? How could you have been a better team member? Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team

In 500-750-words, identify and explain three strategies that will help Chloe with her fluency.

In 500-750-words, identify and explain three strategies that will help Chloe with her fluency. Use the following scenario from The IRIS Center to complete the tasks below: Chloe is a quiet fifth grader who is naturally organized and thrives on structure. Chloe’s mother reports that she tends to be focused on tasks, even in play. Chloe’s teacher, Mrs. Clifton, has also noticed that she is diligent with academic tasks. When reading aloud in class, Chloe is able to read all sight words and decode most multi-syllable words she encounters. However, Chloe’s fluency is not at the level of most fifth graders. Mrs. Clifton reports she is a word-by-word reader and does not read with proper tone or expression, but she feels Chloe has the skills needed to become a fluent, expressive reader. She has decided to implement strategies that will help Chloe reach her goal, which is: •    Given readings at the fifth-grade level, Chloe will read fluently. Paulsen, K., & the IRIS Center.(2004).Compr

Explain why the questions are appropriate for CapraTek’s position and do not request illegal information. Place your explanation in the slides’ notes area. Describe which question type(s) relates to the KSAs or required experience for CapraTek’s position.

Explain why the questions are appropriate for CapraTek’s position and do not request illegal information. Place your explanation in the slides’ notes area. Describe which question type(s) relates to the KSAs or required experience for CapraTek’s position. In a 13-slide presentation deck, develop a variety of interview questions based on the KSAs and required experience for CapraTek’s regional sales representative positions. Scenario In Assessment 4, you developed a job analysis for CapraTek’s regional sales representative positions. Based on that job analysis, you will interview candidates. Before you can do so, you must develop interview questions based on the required knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) and required experience for the CapraTek position. Requirements As a member of CapraTek’s human resources team, you believe the best way to develop the interview plan and select the best candidate is to include a variety of question types. Create a PowerPoint presentation dec

Which rule(s) do you live by personally? Give specific examples of how you apply the rules you identified in your life. Why do you choose these rules over others? Defend your personal position with sound reasoning.

Which rule(s) do you live by personally? Give specific examples of how you apply the rules you identified in your life. Why do you choose these rules over others? Defend your personal position with sound reasoning. Assignment Instructions Instructions: After reading the Lesson Seven material, go the the following link and read the essay by Carl Sagan entitled The Rules of the Game: Afterward, please write an essay addressing the following questions. 1.Which rule(s) do you live by personally? Give specific examples of how you apply the rules you identified in your life. Why do you choose these rules over others? Defend your personal position with sound reasoning. Red Corp hires you to consult on an ethical issue they are facing. Red Corp recently discovered that its customer database has been hacked and published online, along with the customer database of one of its competitors, Blue Corp. Red Corp had no knowledge of or involvement with the hacking until a

Write a 1000-word paper that describes roles and functions of individuals in the criminal justice system and how victimization affects each role.

Write a 1000-word paper that describes roles and functions of individuals in the criminal justice system and how victimization affects each role. Write a 1000-word paper that describes roles and functions of individuals in the criminal justice system and how victimization affects each role. Evaluate the roles of prosecutor, defense attorney, criminal, and victim. Summarize how victimization affects each role. Answer the following questions: What are the goals of sentencing associated with each role? What are the goals of alternative sanctions? What recommendations do you have regarding victims’ rights? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. The post Write a 1000-word paper that describes roles and functions of individuals in the criminal justice system and how victimization affects each role. appeared first on Ink Essays. Write a 1000-word paper that describes roles and functions of individuals in the criminal justice system and how victimization affects each rol