
Showing posts from May, 2018

New Haven Firefighters” in Chapter 10.

Discussion 7A "Getting the Right People" Please respond to the following: Refer to “New Haven Firefighters” in Chapter 10. Take a position for and one against allowing discrimination in the wake of segregation and discriminating in the name of diversity. Provide one or two reasons and examples to support each side of the argument. Discussion BOARD 7B "The Workforce" Please respond to the following: Review “The Star Award” in Chapter 10. Select three candidates (from the field of five) to receive bonuses. Justify your response with one or two reasons. Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team   CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Define the elements of e-Procurement employed with the commodity supplier. ◦ERP/MRP system

Your team has been chosen to develop a business case for implementing an e-Procurement system for your commodity products. Identify a company that you are familiar with and provide one example of a commodity product that they use. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which the team will: •Define the elements of e-Procurement employed with the commodity supplier. ◦ERP/MRP system ◦Transactions ◾Forecasting ◾Ordering ◾Advance shipping notification ◾Financial transactions ◾Other- explain •Supplier Communication ◦Explain the benefits of e-Procurement. ◦Identify the challenges of implementing and maintaining an e-Procurement system and recommend mitigation actions. Format the paper according to APA standards. MY PORTION : supplier communication and also the company to write on is Kellogg 100 word minimum Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team   CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLA

Describe the products or services that are sold by the organization, and explain how customer and supplier needs differ (i.e. what are each hoping to gain through the transaction?).

Choose one of the organizations that was faculty-approved for your Week 1 Individual Assignment as a team. Prepare a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes using this organization, in which you: •Describe the products or services that are sold by the organization, and explain how customer and supplier needs differ (i.e. what are each hoping to gain through the transaction?). •Identify the top three demands that customers place on the suppliers. •Analyze how the suppliers respond to these customer demands. •Compare and contrast business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) electronic commerce solutions that can be used to satisfy both customer and supplier needs. •Summarize your recommendations for improving SCM for the organization. Cite three separate resources in addition to your textbook. Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. MY PORTION: Compare and contrast business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B

Identify the demographic breakdown of employees in the organization.

Identify the demographic breakdown of employees in the organization. Creating a Welcoming Workplace for the Older Worker The nursing workforce is aging rapidly. In fact, Baby Boomers constitute the largest group of nurses currently practicing. This aging workforce poses two significant ramifications for nurse managers. First, due to the volatility and uncertainty in the world and national economy, many Baby Boomers have shifted their retirement plans and are staying in the workforce. This is requiring creative responses on the part of employers. Conversely, as these highly experienced and knowledgeable nurses do begin to exit the active workforce, experts anticipate a “brain drain” that will affect all levels of health care environments. In this week’s Assignment, you critically assess your current organization or one with which you are familiar to determine why older workers may stay in or leave their positions. In addition, you suggest strategies that could help to retain and furt

Identify objectives that are amenable to parish nurse intervention.

Identify objectives that are amenable to parish nurse intervention. Review Healthy People 2020. Identify objectives that are amenable to parish nurse intervention. Describe how faith communities can contribute to the accomplishment of these national health objectives and accomplish the goal of improving the health of the public. How can nurses working in the community form partnerships with parish nurses and faith communities? How would such partnerships be beneficial?   “Order a similar custom made paper from our Nursing experts at a reasonable price!” The post Identify objectives that are amenable to parish nurse intervention. appeared first on College Nursing Papers. Identify objectives that are amenable to parish nurse intervention. Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Devry MGMT404 week 7 quiz

Devry MGMT404 week 7 quiz Question Question 1.1.(TCO 4) An example of resource leveling would be (Points : 5) fast tracking a project to finish early. crashing a project to meet a critical deadline. ensuring resource usage is balanced. removing work from a project to compress its schedule. Question 2.2.(TCO 6) You are the project manager of a major IT project in Italy. You review your earned value report and you see that your SPI is .68. What does this mean to you? (Points : 5) The project is doing fine. No corrective actions are needed. The project is slightly ahead of schedule. No corrections are needed. The project is slightly behind schedule. Corrections are needed. The project is very much behind schedule. Immediate corrections are needed. Question 3.3.(TCO 4) Which of the below is an example of an indirect cost to a project? (Points : 5) Servers needed to complete an IT project A consultant for a construction project Cranes to support the making of a movie Adminis

disorders of the male and/or female reproductive systems

disorders of the male and/or female reproductive systems Select two disorders of the male and/or female reproductive systems that interest you.  Post  a description of the two reproductive disorders you selected, including their similarities and differences. Then, select one of the following factors: genetics, ethnicity, age, or behavior. And explain how the factor you selected might impact the diagnosis of treatment for the reproductive disorders. – This work should have Introduction and conclusion – This work should have at 4 to 5 current references (Year 2013 and up) – Use at least 2 references from class Learning Resources The following Resources are not acceptable : 1. Wikipedia 2. nonhealthcare professionals section 3. 4. LEARNING RESOURCES **Huether, S. E., & McCance, K. L. (2017).  Understanding pathophysiology  (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. Chapter      32, “Structure and Function of the Reproductive Systems” This chapter

Describe the patient education plan. 

Describe the patient education plan.  No Plegarism please, assignment will be checked with Turnitin.  Will need minimum of 3 full content pages,   plus   title, and reference page APA Style, double spaced, times new romans, font 12, and and 3 references with intext citations. References within 5 years (2014-2018).    Hypertension Case Study C.D is a 55-year-old African American male who presents to his primary care provider with a 2-day history of a headache and chest pressure. PMH Allergic Rhinitis Depression Hypothyroidism Family History Father died at age 49 from AMI: had HTN Mother has DM and HTN Brother died at age 20 from complications of CF Two younger sisters are A&W Social History The patient has been married for 25 years and lives with his wife and two children. The patient is an air traffic controller at the local airport. He has smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for the past 15 years. He drinks several beers every evening after work to relax. He does not

#Makeup Monday: Big News on the Lipcolor Front!

#Makeup Monday: Big News on the Lipcolor Front! Welcome to Makeup Monday, my weekly series on makeup; academic and postacademic job market and productivity posts will continue on Tuesday and Friday as usual. Here is my weekly reminder:  I will not engage with makeup-shaming here or on any Facebook or Twitter comment threads. I support your right to not wear makeup, and anyone who dislikes makeup, disapproves of makeup, or wants to argue that no academic woman should be judged on the basis of makeup (which nobody is claiming anyway), I suggest you come back for my other posts on other topics. For previous posts, see the following: Yes This Post Is About Long-Wear Lipcolor Welcome to Makeup Monday Why Makeup Why Now? Face Makeup, The Basics Face Makeup, Getting Fancy All About Eyes Brows Get Their Own Post, Because Of Course They Do More on Lipsticks and Introducing Shae ~~~~~~ You guyuz, this weekend, I was strolling through Target looking for the full size of a really gr

treatment plan for management of an episodic, acute, and chronic case i

treatment plan for management of an episodic, acute, and chronic case i No Plegarism please,  will be checked with Turnitin.  Will need   minimum of 300 words,   APA Style, double spaced, times new roman, font 12, and and Include: 3 references with intext citations. Topic: Cough Respiratory System You will be assigned one topic from the list below. For your assigned  topic (Cough),  you are to discuss: the incidence and prevalence of the disorder pathophysiology from an advanced practice perspective physical assessment and examination, evidence-based treatment plan and patient education, as well as follow up and evaluation to assess the efficacy and outcomes of the evidence-based treatment plan for management of an episodic, acute, and chronic case involving the pathology(s) you are sharing.   “Order a similar custom made paper from our Nursing experts at a reasonable price!” The post treatment plan for management of an episodic, acute, and chronic case i appeared first o

SSL And Certificates

SSL And Certificates SSL is an acronym for Secure Sockets Layer, an encryption technology that was created by Netscape. SSL creates an encrypted connection between your web server and your visitors’ web browser allowing for private information to be transmitted without the problems of eavesdropping, data tampering, or message forgery.  It seems that more and more people are using mobile devices to check bank accounts, make purchases, etc. – there is a lot of financial and private data that is being transmitted via our mobile phones and tablets. How aware are users and using secure connections?  Requirements  In your own words, explain how server certificates work using SSL. Regarding the second paragraph above, explain ways that data could be compromised even if the user is going to secure sites. Minimum of 300 words. The post SSL And Certificates appeared first on academicproficient. SSL And Certificates Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE T

Write an essay (no less than four pages in length) that states and supports an original thesis statement in which you help challenge society’s limiting gender narratives.

Write an essay (no less than four pages in length) that states and supports an original thesis statement in which you help challenge society’s limiting gender narratives. Module 2 – Case ARGUMENTATION Case Assignment Note: Module 2 SLP should be completed before the Module 2 Case. No secondary sources are to be used in the process of writing this first paper; it is to be entirely written based on one’s point of view and supported with body points and details. Reflecting on the four gender-related videos for Module 2 (see below), write a well-organized and well-supported essay in which you help challenge society’s limiting gender narratives. A well-organized essay has a beginning, middle, and an end. The beginning, or introduction, should include an opening sentence to grab your reader’s attention. Follow the opening sentence with a brief background on the topic or situation. In this case, it would be an explanation of gender roles, stereotypes, myths, and/or controls in society

how Sickle cell anemia impact the adult client

how Sickle cell anemia impact the adult client Slides on how Sickle cell anemia impact the adult client 1)-Mentally 2)-physically 3)-Emotionally 4)-Sexually 5) Economically( specifically as it relates to the ability to access health insurance and health care 6) prenatal care and childbearing 7) Ability to cope with stress. with accompanying speaker’s notes under and references.   “Order a similar custom made paper from our Nursing experts at a reasonable price!” The post how Sickle cell anemia impact the adult client appeared first on College Nursing Papers. how Sickle cell anemia impact the adult client Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Training And Development (Master’s Level Class)

Training And Development (Master’s Level Class) Which one of the four types of Employee Development (Formal Education, Assessments, Job Experiences, and Interpersonal Relationships) do you feel is the most effective? Why? The post Training And Development (Master’s Level Class) appeared first on academicproficient. Training And Development (Master’s Level Class) Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

A Chapter 06 Consumer Purchasing Strategies and Wise Buying of Motor Vehicles

A Chapter 06 Consumer Purchasing Strategies and Wise Buying of Motor Vehicles Question 19. (p. 196) An advantage of a lease over a purchase is that the buyer can usually obtain a more expensive vehicle for the same monthly payment. 20. (p. 198) One of the first steps in a car purchase negotiation should be a discussion of the trade-in vehicle. 21. (p. 198) A trade-in vehicle should NOT be mentioned until the cost of the new car has been settled. 22. (p. 198) If you are somewhat interested in a specific vehicle, you should provide a small deposit so the car seller will hold the vehicle for you. 23. (p. 200) Lemon laws have been enacted in 48 of the 50 states for new vehicle purchases. 24. (p. 200) The largest fixed expense associated with a new automobile is depreciation. 25. (p. 201) Studies of consumer problems consistently rank auto repairs as one of the best consumer services with few consumer complaints. 26. (p. 202) People should be prepared for problems with purchases.

Identify HIPAA transactions, code sets, and uniform identifiers.

Identify HIPAA transactions, code sets, and uniform identifiers. Privacy and Security of Health Records The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) demands that all patients are able to retrieve their medical records, amend inaccuracies or exclusions, and be informed on how their protected health information (PHI) is shared with third parties. HIPAA provisions have led to a widespread overhauling in electronic medical records. HIPAA laws and regulations are divided into the following five rules. 1. HIPAA Privacy Rule 2. HIPAA Security Rule 3. Transactions and Code Sets Rule 4. The Unique Identifiers Rule 5. Enforcement Rule After reading the required chapter “Privacy and Security of Health Records,” complete and submit the following in an APA- formatted scholarly essay. Begin your essay with an introduction explaining the purpose of the essay. Explain the five rules of HIPAA laws and regulations. Identify HIPAA transactions, code sets, and uniform identif

Explore one (1) of the three (3) common themes of critical theory as it manifests itself within one (1) of two (2) perspectives (i.e., postmodern or feminist) of adult learning.

Explore one (1) of the three (3) common themes of critical theory as it manifests itself within one (1) of two (2) perspectives (i.e., postmodern or feminist) of adult learning. Critical Theory, Non Western, Postmodern, and Feminist Perspectives in Adult Learning”  Please respond to the following: ·  From the e-Activity, examine Ryan’s thesis through the lens of the Western / non-Western dichotomy.  Defend or critique Ryan’s assertion that the insistence of the use of English within global post-secondary educational environments negates the contributions that have the potential to be derived from non-Western cultures and perspectives . Justify your response. · Explore one (1) of the three (3) common themes of critical theory as it manifests itself within one (1) of two (2) perspectives (i.e., postmodern or feminist) of adult learning. ·   Propose two (2) strategies that you as an instructor could leverage in order to encourage inclusiveness within particular educational context.  P

Chapter 2 How Psychologists Do Research

Chapter 2 How Psychologists Do Research Question 171) Ideally, everything in the experimental situation EXCEPT the ________ is held constant. A) inferential statistic B) hypothesis C) independent variable D) placebo 172) Ideally, everything in the experimental situation EXCEPT the ________ is held constant. A) reaction of the subjects B) presumed effect C) dependent variable D) independent variable 173) One of the variables in a research study is chocolate. Chocolate: A) would be an independent variable. B) would be a placebo. C) would be a dependent variable. D) may be either an independent or dependent variable. 174) A researcher wants to know whether eating chocolate makes people nervous. The amount of chocolate eaten: A) would be a placebo. B) would be a dependent variable. C) would be an independent variable. D) may be either an independent or dependent variable. 175) A researcher wants to know whether eating chocolate makes people nervous. The amount of choc


Nursing Informatics in the Clinical Setting Conduct an interview with someone in an informatics role in a clinical setting. Then, compose a 4-5 pages paper discussing the following components: Role description and education level required for the role. Describe their views on how their role impacts patient safety and improves the quality of patient care. Describe the Human Factors faced in the role and other challenges. Express insights gained from the interview. Research and discuss the impact of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Patient Safety Indicators and The Joint Commission Patient Safety Goals in your clinical setting. Describe how these governing agencies impact delivery of direct patient care. Research, discuss, and identify the Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform (TIGER) utilized in your clinical setting. Be sure to get the perspective of your selected informatics professional during your interview. On a separate page, cite all sourc