Marketing Discussion Questions Ch3 & Ch4

Marketing Discussion Questions Ch3 & Ch4
Marketing Discussion Questions Ch3 & Ch4

Marketing Discussion Questions Ch3 & Ch4

1. What are the differences between pre-conventional morality, conventional morality, and post-conventional morality? Give an example of each. You should place your response as a WORD document titled CHAPTER03_Q1

2. Describe at least three situations in which you would not purchase the products of a firm even though it is very socially responsible. You should place your response as a WORD document titled CHAPTER03_Q2

Chapter 4

Baby boomers in America are aging. Describe how this might affect the marketing mix for the following: • McDonald’s • The State of Florida • Target Stores

You should place your response as a WORD document titled CHAPTER04_Q1. How should Ford Motor Company market differently to Millennials, Generation X, and baby boomers?

You should place your response as a WORD document titled CHAPTER04_Q2

Marketing Discussion Questions Ch3 & Ch4



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