
Showing posts from September, 2018

Sue is a chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder clinic nurse enrolled in a master’s education program

Sue is a chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder clinic nurse enrolled in a master’s education program Sue is a chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder clinic nurse enrolled in a master’s education program. She is interested in writing a paper on the factors that are associated with poor compliance with medical regimens and associated repeat hospitalization of chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder patients. She downloads patient information from the clinic database to a thumb drive that she later accesses on her home computer. Sue understands rules about privacy of information and believes that because she is a nurse and needs this information for a graduate school assignment, she is entitled to the information. Is Sue correct in her thinking? Describe why she is or is not correct. The post Sue is a chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder clinic nurse enrolled in a master’s education program appeared first on Ink Essays. Sue is a chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder clinic nurse e

Create class called Contract that contains 6 pieces of information as instance variables: contract signee (datatype string)

Create class called Contract that contains 6 pieces of information as instance variables: contract signee (datatype string) Create class called Contract that contains 6 pieces of information as instance variables: contract signee (datatype string), signee street address (datatype string), signee city(datatype string), signee state (datatype string), date of agreement ( string), type of contract. Contracts can be sale or service. Your Contract class should contain a constructor that initializes the instance variables. The Contract class should also contain a C# property for each instance variable that provide get and set as per C# standards. Create second class ContractTest that creates two Contractobjects using the constructor that you developed in the Contractclass. For each object, display :  signer, street address, city, state, date of agreement, type of contract. The post Create class called Contract that contains 6 pieces of information as instance variables: contract signee (

Offender Smith is serving a six-to-ten year sentence for forcible rape and aggravated assault. While he and his then-girlfriend were high on cocaine and PCP

Offender Smith is serving a six-to-ten year sentence for forcible rape and aggravated assault. While he and his then-girlfriend were high on cocaine and PCP Offender Smith is serving a six-to-ten year sentence for forcible rape and aggravated assault. While he and his then-girlfriend were high on cocaine and PCP, she refused his sexual advances and he brutally raped her and punched her in the face. This crime left her physically and emotionally damaged. One of the punches resulted in minor nerve damage on the left side of her face. Smith has served the minimum of six years necessary to be eligible for his first parole hearing. He has no prior convictions or arrests and has been a model prisoner, completing an education program and a sex offender treatment program while in prison. Smith also routinely attended Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings while incarcerated. He has no institutional disciplinary infractions. While he was in prison, his mother died, leaving him her house in his home

Identify the three key facts about short-run economic fluctuations and how the economy in the short run differs from the economy in the long run. Provide real-world examples of those “key facts.”

Identify the three key facts about short-run economic fluctuations and how the economy in the short run differs from the economy in the long run. Provide real-world examples of those “key facts.” One of my favorite quotes is: Hain’t we got all the fools in town on our side? And ain’t that a big enough majority in any town? — Mark Twain Now, imagine your team is the reelection campaign committee for Pat Shoo-In, who is your local representative in the U.S. House of Representatives. Your team needs to prepare Pat for an upcoming debate by creating a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that Pat can review before the debate. Your presentation should include an introductory slide as well as a slide with your conclusions. Use the bolded words/phrases shown below as titles for your slides. Your presentation should: • Identify the three key facts about short-run economic fluctuations and how the economy in the short run differs from the economy in the long run. Provide re

Explain economic fluctuations and how shifts in either aggregate demand or aggregate supply can cause expansions and recessions using the model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply.

Explain economic fluctuations and how shifts in either aggregate demand or aggregate supply can cause expansions and recessions using the model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply. One of my favorite quotes is: Hain’t we got all the fools in town on our side? And ain’t that a big enough majority in any town? — Mark Twain Now, imagine your team is the reelection campaign committee for Pat Shoo-In, who is your local representative in the U.S. House of Representatives. Your team needs to prepare Pat for an upcoming debate by creating a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that Pat can review before the debate. Your presentation should include an introductory slide as well as a slide with your conclusions. Use the bolded words/phrases shown below as titles for your slides. Your presentation should: • Identify the three key facts about short-run economic fluctuations and how the economy in the short run differs from the economy in the long run. Provide real-world e

Explain and demonstrate graphically the effects of a negative supply shock.

Explain and demonstrate graphically the effects of a negative supply shock. Following APA style, write a short essay for each comprehensive question listed below: • A. Using the aggregate demand-aggregate supply model, explain and demonstrate graphically the short-run and log-run effects of an increase in the money supply. • B. Explain and demonstrate graphically the effects of a negative supply shock. What happens to the economy if no action is taken? What happens if monetary and or fiscal policy is used to reduce unemployment? The post Explain and demonstrate graphically the effects of a negative supply shock. appeared first on Ink Essays. Explain and demonstrate graphically the effects of a negative supply shock. Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Discuss how you would use security and application restriction policies on your network to help make it secure.

Discuss how you would use security and application restriction policies on your network to help make it secure. 1. Discuss how you would use security and application restriction policies on your network to help make it secure. 2. Discuss how the Windows® firewall differs from a hardware firewall. When would you not want to use a Windows®-based firewall? 3.At our organization, we recently decided to enable Windows Firewall on the user desktop. We currently have firewalls between the Internet and our internal network. What’s the benefit of having a firewall enabled on user desktop PCs as well as at the edge (between the Internet and internal network) of the network? Does it make sense to implement such additional security measures? 4.This portion of this week’s reading talks about how you can secure various resources such as a user’s desktop by modifying security policies using GPOs. At our organization, we make use of this to prevent end users from turning of Windows Firewall on the

Develop at least three methods to monitor and control your proposed strategic plan, being sure to analyze how the measures will advance organizational goals financially and operationally.

Develop at least three methods to monitor and control your proposed strategic plan, being sure to analyze how the measures will advance organizational goals financially and operationally. About Your Signature Assignment Signature/Benchmark Assignments are designed to align with specific program student learning outcome(s) in your program. Program Student Learning Outcomes are broad statements that describe what students should know and be able to do upon completion of their degree. Signature/Benchmark Assignments are graded with a grading guide or an automated rubric that allows the University to collect data that can be aggregated across a location or college/school and used for course/program improvements. Purpose of Assignment The purpose of The Final Strategic Plan is to allow the student to develop a comprehensive strategy for a new division of an existing company. This analysis will be the culmination of all the previous week’s coursework as well as e objectives covered durin

What would be the production possibility frontiers for Brazil and the United States?

What would be the production possibility frontiers for Brazil and the United States? Suppose that there are two products: clothing and soda. Both Brazil and the United States produce each product. Brazil can produce 100,000 units of clothing per year and 50,000 cans of soda. The United States can produce 65,000 units of clothing per year and 250,000 cans of soda. Assume that costs remain constant. For this example, assume that the production possibility frontier (PPF) is a straight line for each country because no other data points are available or provided. Include a PPF graph for each country in your paper. Chapter 5 of the Suranovic text is a good reference for this task. Complete the following: • What would be the production possibility frontiers for Brazil and the United States? • Without trade, the United States produces AND CONSUMES 32,500 units of clothing and 125,000 cans of soda. • Without trade, Brazil produces AND CONSUMES 50,000 units of clothing and 25,000 cans of so

What impact does both of these changes have on consumer surplus, producer surplus, total surplus, price and quantity?

What impact does both of these changes have on consumer surplus, producer surplus, total surplus, price and quantity? 1) Answer the following scenarios in regard to the consumer goods market. a) The job market is becoming harder to enter. What happens to consumer surplus, producer surplus, total surplus, price and quantity? (5 mark) b) The minimum wage is lowered. What impact does both of these changes have on consumer surplus, producer surplus, total surplus, price and quantity? (5 mark) Diagrams are required. Changes in equilibrium points must be shown and changes for each element must be shown and explained. 2) Should alcohol be taxed? Using economic theories and idea to justify your decision. This requires diagrams, definition and constructing an argument in line with your decision. Marks are allocated based on the effective links between your argument and economic ideas. 3) If you were trying to increase the level of education attained by citizens, which p The post What im

Explain why equilibrium of supply and demand is desirable.

Explain why equilibrium of supply and demand is desirable. In Week 2, students will employ the supply and demand model to develop consumer surplus and producer surplus as a measure of welfare and market efficiency. Students learn about welfare economics–the study of how the allocation of resources affects economic well-being–and will discover that under most circumstances, the equilibrium price and quantity is also the one that maximizes welfare. Students will review different sources of externalities and a variety of potential cures and will see that while markets are usually a good way to organize economic activity, governments can sometimes improve market outcomes. Students will see how the U.S. government raises and spends money and the difficulty of making a tax system both efficient and equitable. Assignment Steps Scenario: You have been assigned to a team that has the responsibility of preparing a paper for the governor’s next economic conference. Prepare a 1,050-word paper

Explain the factors that will affect demand, supply, and prices of that product.

Explain the factors that will affect demand, supply, and prices of that product. Students will develop cost curves on which firm behavior is based and will utilize these cost curves to determine the behavior of their chosen organization in the market served. Using the concept of comparative advantage, students analyze trade opportunities and use the model of supply and demand to explain factors that could affect demand, supply and prices. Students will determine various factors that could affect their organization’s total revenue and will recommend actions the firm could use to maximize their profit and their presence in the market served. Assignment Steps Scenario: You have been given the responsibility of working with your organization’s CEO to do a competitive market analysis of the potential success of one of their existing products. Research an organization and a product produced by that organization in which an analysis can be conducted. PREPARE A 13-15 SLIDE PPT PRESENTATIO

discuss the concepts that shape your approach to counseling them through their sexual addictions.

discuss the concepts that shape your approach to counseling them through their sexual addictions. Topic: Discussion Question from Caring for People God’s Way – Chapter 13 As a lay counselor, you are seeking to help Christians in your church who have expressed significant discouragement related to their sexually-oriented problems. Based on Chapter 13, describe important characteristics in the lives of your counselees which confirm that sexual problems can be accurately understood to evidence sexual addiction. Additionally, discuss the concepts that shape your approach to counseling them through their sexual addictions. Relate your discussion to address specific needs in any of the following five dimensions: • Emotional • Physical • Relational • Cognitive/Behavioral • Spiritual The post discuss the concepts that shape your approach to counseling them through their sexual addictions. appeared first on Ink Essays. discuss the concepts that shape your approach to counseling them t

Analyze the types of organizational and computer architectures for integrating systems.

Analyze the types of organizational and computer architectures for integrating systems. Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center. Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center. Case Study 1: The Brazilian Federal Data Processing Service worth 130 points Read the case study titled, “Brazil to fortify government email system following NSA snooping revelations,” located here and at Use the Internet to research the architectures that other government organizations and intelligence agencies use for email privacy, if any. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: 1. Examine the proposed business ethical problem that the Brazilian Federal Data Processing Service is presently experiencing. Determine whether you agree or disagree that Brazil’s problem is an ethical one that should be corrected. Provide a rationale for your response. 2. Assess the levels of security deficiencies inhe

Distinguish between ongoing demand-pull and ongoing cost-push inflation. Carefully draw them.

Distinguish between ongoing demand-pull and ongoing cost-push inflation. Carefully draw them. 1. Consider a macro economy was initially at equilibrium level of real GDP. Using an aggregate demand and aggregate supply diagram or model of the economy, graphically illustrate and discuss the short-run and long-run effects of the following events upon the economy: (a) The Central Bank within the economy reduces interest rates. (b) There is an increase in private domestic investment spending. (c) An increase in international oil prices. (d) Depreciation in the foreign exchange rate value of the economy’s currency. (e) A fall in real estate prices in the capital cities of the country in question (hint: think of the effect upon one’s wealth level) (f) The country main exports rise in price while the goods the country imports from abroad fall in price i.e. its terms of trade improves in the country’ favour. 2. Many people find the current unemployment figures for Australia a bit unbelie

Using your knowledge of basic market structures, briefly explain the type of market into which banana growing industry in Australia falls

Using your knowledge of basic market structures, briefly explain the type of market into which banana growing industry in Australia falls Essay to be completed in Week 8 of Spring Session in your designated tutorial session. Write your answers to each question clearly and sufficiently in the exam booklet provided. This essay topic is based on a newspaper article covering the impact of Cyclone Yasi on Banana industry in Australia in 2011. Article Source: 1aew8.html Title: “Yasi tipped to send banana prices soaring” SMH on 3 February 2011 (article is attached on page 2) Note: Students are encouraged to undertake additional reading on this topic as part of their preparation to write the essay. Answer All Questions 1. (a) Using your knowledge of basic market structures, briefly explain the type of market into which banana growing industry in Australia falls (5 marks). (b) According to the article, “… banana prices soared as high as $15 a kilogram, against p

Describe the coefficient of variation (CV) and the standard deviation (SD) in connection with risk attitudes and decision making.

Describe the coefficient of variation (CV) and the standard deviation (SD) in connection with risk attitudes and decision making. The San Diego LLC is considering a three-year project, Project A, involving an initial investment of $80 million and the following cash inflows and probabilities: Year 0 Initial investment $80 million Discount rate 8% Year 1: Probability: 0.2, cash flow ($mil) 50, probability: 0.3, cash flow (%mil) 40, probability: 0.4, cash flow 30 and probability 0.1, cash flow 20 Year 2: probability 0.1, cash flow 60, probability 0.2, cash flow 50, probability 0.3 cash flow 40, probability 0.4, cash flow 30 Year 3: probability 0.3 cash flow 70, probability .04 cash flow 60, probability 0.1 cash flow 50 and probability 0.2 cash flow 40 Describe your answer for each question in complete sentences, whenever it is necessary. Show all of your calculations and processes for the following points: a. Describe and calculate Project A’s expected net present value (ENPV) an