
Showing posts from April, 2018

criminal justice process for a felony criminal charge.

process of a criminal case and learned about constitutional protections for individuals.  This paper will require you to comprehensively explain all that you have learned thus far. Write a paper that details the entire criminal justice process for a felony criminal charge. •Summarize all of the steps between arrest, pre-trial, trial, and appeals (both state and federal appeal possibilities). •Explain the contingencies for each stage of the proceedings and address all possible outcomes. •Analyze how constitutional protections for the defendant work at each stage of the proceeding. •Evaluate whether the system effectively deals with criminal prosecutions, or whether changes or improvements are required. •Provide recommendations to make the system more fair and ethical for all those involved. For help completing this assignment, please reference the Sample Paper Preview the document •Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages

U.S. Business Judgment Rule

Locate the U.S. Business Judgment Rule The locate the rule in any other country. Discuss the following: 1.   What part or parts of the U.S. rule do you either agree or disagree? 2.   Compare/contrast the U.S. with your selected country.  If they are the same, why do you think they are stated in similar ways.  If different, discuss the differences. If you could change the U.S. rule, what would you change and why? If you would not change anything in the U.S. rule, discuss what aspects of the rule you believe are most effective and why? Please provide citations for all materials used. Answer these question in one page please Assignment status :  Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

City of Miami, Florida Demographics and Crime Profile, Assisting victims

   Resource:  Week Four Learning Team assignment: City of Miami, Florida Demographics and Crime Profile. Prepare  a 12- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you recommend policy in the City of Miami, Florida, addressing the following: Assisting victims Preventing crime Achieving effective justice Address  the effect that criminological theory and research have had on contemporary and historical crime control policies in your chosen city. Provide  theoretical rationale for your recommendations. Format  your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. Assignment status :  Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM